April Fools Day

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I still think that this song is secretly about Percy and Annabeth. And I own Jimmy.
You were sitting in your cabin when the Hermes boy, Jimmy, walked in. "Hey Jimmy. What's up?" You said not looking up from your book. "I want to know if you want to go out out with me?" You looked at him. "Sure." You closed your book. "How about never cause it's April Fools Day." He said and walked out the cabin laughing. Tears welled up in your eyes as you ran into the woods. You slammed your fists against the door of Bunker 9. Leo opened the door and you jumped on his bed and cried. Leo kneeled down next to the bed. "What's wrong?" He asked. "I don't wanna talk about it." You sniffed. He sat on the bed and pulled you into a hug. He stroked the back of your hair as you cried into his chest. You cried yourself to sleep and soon after Leo fell asleep too, protectively holding you close to him.
You woke up to a camera flash and you saw Piper standing next to Leo. Piper looked excited but Leo looked shameful. "What going on?" You asked rubbing dried tears off your eyes. "You two were sleeping together and it was adorable!" Piper said showing you the picture. "I'm so sorry. I feel like I was taking advantage of the fact that you were vulnerable and, I'm sorry." Leo apologized. "It's ok, you didn't even do anything."

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