The prophecy

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We stepped out of the car, and went to the big house. You see Camp Athene is like 3 miles away from Camp-Halfblood. When we arrived at the big house, mom said to Korra that she should go to the hospital. After giving me one last glare she went to the hospital. When Chiron noticed us he came over and hugged mom and me(he loves us) and said hello to the rest. ''What are you guys doing here?''he asked us. ''It has begun.''mom said dead serious. He looked at me and concern crossed his face. then he puts a serious face on and turns to me and says: ''Come, child, we need to visite Rachel.''...

We went into a cave, and saw Rachel. She came over and hugged me. ''Hey, Phoebe! What are you doing here isn't it the first day of school?" She asked. I wanted to answer but green mist came from her mouth.
"The chosen one
Is no more gone
She shall cause
The downfall or rise by choice
Seven legacies side by side
Fighting with the light
With the elements she shall fight
At the end she shall find the light
The last element is hard
She's issuing her final cart
Down the depths she'll be lost
Ending the journey with all cost
When the cage shall fall
That's her call
The gift her friend is dark
She'll kill the one with the mark
Light will be death
But return with the firebreath
Bending together
United forever."
Then everything was black...

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