Adam is an asshole

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Phoebe pov
I woke up happy and pulled this on

I walked downstairs smiling and is saw Taylor wearing this

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I walked downstairs smiling and is saw Taylor wearing this.

I kissed my dads cheek and hugged mom, I sat down and ate breakfast

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I kissed my dads cheek and hugged mom, I sat down and ate breakfast. The bell went and I run to the door. "Calm down!" Dad said laughing. I stopped in front of the mirror, fixing my hair. "Your hair is fine. Now go!" Mom told me smiling. I opened the door and James smiled at me, I walked in his arms and kissed him. I liked kissing him, that sparkle. I just couldn't get enough. "Come on, gorgeous! School waits." He told me and I blushed. He walked me to his car, we drove to school laughing and talking. We parked and we walked trough the doors and all eyes were on us. We rolled our eyes and we walked to my locker. I took my stuff and he leaned over me, whispering things in my ear. That made me blush and giggle. Charlotte and Andrew arrived at Charlottes locker and we talked to them. Taylor arrived soon after. Juliet and Jane came running to us. Ben was talking to a friend further down the hall. Juliet and Jane wore their gossip face. "What's the gossip?" I aske, they giggled. "Korra and Adam apparently took a step further in their relationship." Jane said giggling. "They did it at Sanders party." Juliet said laughing. Sander is a popular boy, one of James his friends. "Seriously?" Charlotte asked and they both nodded. "Who told you?" I asked them and they both had sad expressions on. "Adam spread the rumor and everybody is laughing or whispering about Korra." Juliet said, I felt bad for Korra. "They broke up, me and Julie saw Korra crying in the bathroom." Jane said. "How did you know they broke up?" I asked her. "From Rebecca, she was there with Korra. They really are good friends. I asked and she told me they broke up and nothing more." Juliet answered, James mumbled something under his breath. "What?" I asked him. "I think I'm gonna hit the shit out of that bastard." He told me and I softened. "Make me proud!" Juliet said, giving him a hug. "I feel bad for her, even after what happened. Nobody deserves this..." I said and they nodded. Bell went and we went to Greek. Me and James sat next to each other doing cute, when Korra came in. Everybody started to whisper and snicker. "Nobody says one bad thing about her!" I yell standing up and James follows me. "Or they'll have to do with us!" He said and everybody was quiet. Korra gave us a small smile and sat down next to Rebecca. Me and James high fived each other and sat down. Mr. Wright came in and looked to us. He winked at me and gave James a warning glare, I frowned. "If I ever hurt you, he'll hurt me." James said and I smiled. "But I promise I'll never break your heart. I love you to much for that." He said and I blushed. "I love you too, more than the whole universe." I told him and he gave me a quick kiss. "Keep it in your pants!" Adam jelled and his friends high fived him. James tensed and he was getting angry. "Now, if you don't shut up I'll make sure you shut up forever." James warned him and Adam only laughed. Jame stood up, but I pulled him down. "You're in school, you can't get in trouble." I warned him and he relaxed by my touch. "Yeah, listen to your girly two shoe." Adam said and I stood up. "He can't do anything, but they won't punish me. You're forgetting that I could kill you with on finger, so you better shut up. Don't forget who you're speaking to." I warned him and he and his friends turned silent. Mr. Wright laughed and high fived me, the rest of the class laughed with him. He started lesson and when it was over I had to go to the bathroom. "Hey, I need to go to the bathroom, I'll see you okay?" I told James and he nodded. I walked in to the bathroom, I went to the play. I heard some sniffles and I went out and saw Korra crying. I walked over and sat down next to her awkwardly. Her arms flew around me and she cried on me. "Hey, it's gonna be fine!" I told her, I caressed her hair. "I didn't do it." She said. "It's not wrong if you did." I told her. "No, I seriously didn't do it. He wanted to, but I didn't. I wasn't ready to do this with him. We were just a week together. That's why he broke up..." She told me and I hugged her tighter. "I'm so sorry." I told her. "The whole school thinks I'm a slut." She said angry. "No, I'll make sure they know you didn't do it. I promise." I told her and she looked up at me with those big blue eyes. "You promise?" She asked me and I nodded smiling. She hugged me tighter and could smile again. We sat there for a while quiet, but something was just burning on me. "It wouldn't have been your first time, right?" I asked her and she tensed up. "Did James tell anyone?" She asked scared. "No, I got it from Julie. Umh, she heard you guys." I told her and she relaxed a bit. "We did it and I wouldn't want anyone be my first time than James. We had a deep and strong bond, I really loved him and he me too." She told me. "Loved? Don't you love him anymore?" I asked her. "Of course I still love him, but not as much as I used to too." She said and I only nodded. "Don't worry, I won't take him like I did with Adam. That was really mean from me. I told myself the whole time, you did the same with me and James. But I figured out, you were trying to push him back. But you know him, if he wants something he'll fight for it. " I blushed at her words. "You two finally together, huh? No I realize I stood between you to. It always has been Phoebe and James. I should be that forever..." She mumbled. We stood up and said goodbye. The rest of the classes my thoughts went to Korra, maybe we could be friends again. It was finally lunch time. I was feeding James my fries when I saw Korra in trouble. A boy kept touching her and she was pushing her off. I nudged James and he tensed, he stood up and walked over. "Leave her alone." He said angry and the boy ran to Adam. "Oh, come on Korra! Why don't you give it to another boy, not jealous at all." Adam jelled at her and everybody looked at them, Korra was fuming. "We never did it!" She jelled at him, he smirked. "Keep telling yourself that, sweetheart!" He told her and everybody laughed, James walked to Adam. "You lied about this?!" He asked him angry, Adam grinned. James jumped on him and they started to fight, I run over and pulled James away. He had an ugly wound on his cheek. Adam an blue eye, he was smirking. "You girl has to safe you, that's pathetic." Adam said and turned to me. "Phoebe, why don't you come back to me, so I can't let you see what a real man is like." He said and squeezed my butt, James groaned out of rage. I took his hand and judo flipped him. I laid my foot in his a chest and turned his arm around. "You little-" he said but I cut him off. "Language, sweetheart." I told him and everybody laughed. I pushed him and released him. James pulled me to him and we walked back to our table. "Thanks." James whispered and I gave him a kiss on the cheek. The rest of the day flew by and I was happy. James at my side and he was mine...

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