The beach party

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Phoebe pov
After campfire everybody went to the beach party. Me and my friends were dancing the whole time. We're having fun and enjoying it, I mean tomorrow we're going on a dangerous quest. A slow song came on and people began to slow dance. Except me, lonely me. I just sat in the sand, waiting for an other song. "Do you want to dance?" A voice behind me said. I turned around and saw that it was Jack! "What are you doing here?" I asked him out of disbelief. "Just wanted to see you. Now, do you wt to dance or should I ask Amber?" He said smirking. I looked over at Amber she was dancing with a boy but she looked at us. No, she looked at Jack. "Yeah, why not?" I said, he pulled me up. We started to dance, it was nice. But everybody looked at us. "I hope I'm not your brother from another mother." Jack said laughing. Huh? I only said that to James in the game? "How did you know that I said that?" I asked him confused. "I told you, I'm keeping an eye on you." He warned me. "So, you saw everything?" I asked him, I was blushing madly. "Yeah..." He said. "I only don't get that that was your first kiss." He said. "Why not?" I asked him. "You're not ugly, not at all." He told me and I'm pretty sure I'm an tomato. "You don't have to cheer me up." I told him. "Oh, I'm not cheering you up. I'm telling the truth." He said serious. "I know I'm a lot of things, not always positive. But pretty is clearly not one of them." I told him. "You're right." He said. Ouch, that hurts. "You're gorgeous." He told me and I couldn't breathe. That was just so cute, I hugged him. The song ended, but we kept dancing. We just looked in each other's eyes, fascinated by the color. "You're eyes are beautiful. I feel like I could watch them for centuries." Jack told me. "Who's this, Phoebe?" I hear Amber say. I turned to them and saw her, Korra and yeah James *note sarcasm. I signed. "This is Jack." I told her. She pushed me on the ground and shook her hand with Jacks. Korra laughed and James smirked. Jack gave me his hand and pulled me up. I thanked him. "Where were we?"  Jack said and I looked him in the eyes. "Who's your godly parent, Jack?" James asked him, but we ignored them. "I heard you could sing." Jack asked me laughing. "No, it's not true!" I told him laughing. "That's true, she can't sing." Amber said laughing, touching Jacks shoulder. "Sorry, sweetheart, but I'm trying to have a conversation here. So, could you guys please go. You're irritating me." Jack said and I laughed. Amber looked taken back. "Why are you so mean, dude?" James asked. "I think I used please, so I don't see a problem." Jack said. James looked very irritated. "Come on, guys. He just tried to say that we wanna talk alone." I told them. James glared at me. "Come on, James. Don't be angry at the girl all because she beaded you at wrestling." Jack said laughing. "How did you know that?" I asked him. "Told you, sweetheart." Jack said, winking at me. "Come on, James. Just let them." Korra said. "Smart girl you got there. But what is she doing with you?" Jack said, he was getting really mean. James tried to attack, but I stopped him. "Relax." I told him, he seemed to relax. "Phoebe, I need to go. Good luck with your quest, Avatar." Jack said and he kissed my cheek, I was blushing. I wanted to do a happy dance. Jack run away and disappeared. "How do you know him?" James asked. "None of your business." I told him. "Why are you being a brat?" He asked me, okay he called me a brat. He really wanted to get me angry. "If you only are going to insult me, maybe you should go." I told him. They all laughed. "What are you gonna say that to his mom?" Amber said laughing. What is it today. Pick on Phoebe or something. I wanted to leave, but James pushed me back. "Stay." Korra said. "Just leave me alone." I whispered. "Oh, are you gonna cry?" Amber said and they all laughed. Why are they picking on me. "Why are you doing this?" I asked the quiet. "You run away from your problems." Korra said. "No, I don't do that. I only go away from a fight before it gets worse." I told them. "Well to late it's already worse." James said. I looked around for my friends, they were dancing. I needed them, I wanted to cry. "Just leave me alone." I told them again, I tried to run but James stopped me. "Let me go." I told him. "Why, we're having fun?" He said laughing. "If I say you need to let me go, you let me go." I warned them, they just laughed. "Who's gonna help, little Phoebe?" Amber asked laughing. That made me angry. I hit James in the place where the sun doesn't shine. Korra pushed me, but I tackled her and I pushed Amber on the ground. I ran as fast as I could to Andrew, with them right behind me. I run into Andrews arms, he holds me. "What's wrong?" Juliet asked. "I hit them." I told them, they looked confused. Until they saw James, Korra and Amber. James was holding the place, Korra her back and Amber her elbow. "Phoebe, come here and die!" James said. "Woah, woah, woah, nobody's gonna kill my sister." Andrew told them. "What happened with you?" Juliet asked James laughing. "Phoebe hit us." He told her. Juliet highfived me and Andrew laughed. "Why did you hit them?" Andrew asked laughing. "They were picking on me and wouldn't let me trough." I told him quiet. Andrew tensed. "You were picking on my sister?" He asked them deadly serious. They all looked pale. "If I hear this ever again, you're gonna die." He told them. "James, you did what?!" Juliet asked, James looked at the ground. "What's wrong with you? You would never do that." She asked him angry. "What's going on?" Charlotte asked, Ben by her side. Andrew told them. Ben pushed James on the ground and they started to fight. Korra hitted Ben, so Juliet pushed her to and they also started to fight. Me, Andrew, Charlotte and Amber tried to get them of each other. Our parents noticed this and run over. I hugged Juliet, she had nothing but Korra had a bleed nose. James had an ugly wound on his head and Ben a bleed nose. "Cabin 3, right now." Piper said stern. We all followed our parents. Calypso started to clean up Bens nose and Piper was doing Korra's because her parents weren't here. Jason looked at James wound. "What happened?" Mom asked. We all just looked at the ground. "Andrew Charles Jackson, answer me!" Mom said. "Well, me and Juliet were dancing. When  Phoebe ran to me and told me that James, Korra and Amber were picking on her and wouldn't let her leave, so she hitted them. So I threaten them and then Ben and Charlotte came over. They asked what was going on and I told them. Ben was angry and pushed James on the ground and they started to fight. Korra then slapped Ben, that's when Juliet attacked her. We tried to get them off each other and then you guys came." Andrew explained. "Why were they picking on you, sweetie?" Hazel asked me. "Don't know. I was just talking a boy and they came to irritate me." I told her. "Korra, can you explain?" Piper asked her. "We didn't want to pick on her, we only want to know why she did so strange at the game." Korra explained. "Seriously? Still about that stupid game?" Charlotte asked irritated. "Wait a minute! Was the boy hot?" Juliet asked. Everybody looked at her. "What? I want her to spread her wings and go find her Prince Charming!" She explained. Piper and mom laughed at that. "Just leave that stupid game after you. If Phoebe can do that why you can't?" Piper asked James. "Because he's an incapable, arrogant idiot. Who just needs to stay away from Phoebe." Ben said angry. Calypso gave him an stern glare and Leo was laughing his head off. "Leo!" Calypso jelled. "Sorry, sweetie, but you got to say it was a little funny." Leo said, laughing. Piper slapped is head and Calypso mouthed a thank you to her. "Why don't the dads go outside and let the moms handle this." Hazel said and all the dads run outside. "That stupid  game made everything worse." Charlotte said and her mom hugged her. "Phoebe, explain everything about the game to them." Mom said. "You already told them by the beach." I told her. "Everything." Mom said and I took a deep breath. "I already told that I didn't want to be with James, because Korra had him first. Second, if me and James would started something I was scared that the whole quest was going to fail." I told them. Korra nodded. "I think I get that." She told me. James said nothing. "Are you gonna say something?" Piper asked him. "Why didn't you just say it?" He asked. "Don't know." I told him. "You don't know a lot, huh?" He said. Ben and Andrew tensed. "Why are you mad?" I asked him irritated. "Why did you lie to me?" He asked me and he stood up. "If you just stayed with Korra and left me alone, we wouldn't sit her." I told him. "Sorry, if I was worried about you." He said. "I don't need you worrying about me." I snapped at him. "Stop it you two!" Mom jelled. "I don't get it first you two like each other to death and no you want each other dead. What happened?" Piper asked. "Well, I found out that her feelings weren't true." James said. "They were true you, you, you... dipshit!" I jelled at him and everybody was surprised. James was angry, he attacked me. He tackled me to the ground. He lay above you. "You're speaking the truth?" He asked me. Mom held Andrew and Ben. "Let them talk." Piper said. "Korra, Amber why don't you go?" Mom said, they nodded and left. "Of course you stupid!" I cried. "Do you know how hard it is to see you and Korra." I told him. Okay I was crying now, but if he just says that all my feelings were false. That really hits me, hard. "Don't cry." He said and cupped my face. He whipped the tears away. He lay above me and I tried to get away. He stopped me. "What are you doing?" I asked him, he was leaning in. I heard the girls squeal. "Maybe you should stop." I whispered. "Maybe not." He whispered back and kissed me. My eyes open with shock. Why is he doing this? I tried to pull away, but he didn't stop. He kept going, eventually I gave in. He was just so good. After what seemed like ages, he led go. He was smirking and I was just so ashamed. Every time he does that, I just let him. I rolled under him and stood up. All the girls were smiling, but Andrew and Ben were not smiling. I was so red right now, I was ashamed. "Told you those two had it bad." Piper told my mom. "There so cute together!" Hazel said. I run to the toilet and locked myself in there. I'm not getting out until tomorrow. "Sweetie, come out!" Mom jelled. "I rather stay here." I told her. "Come on, Phoebe. Come out so you can be a couple with James." Piper told me and I freaked out. "What?! No! I can't do that!" I told her. "You, know what Phoebe. After the quest we'll talk about it." James told me. "Okay" I told him. The quest I just hope I come back alive. I opened the door. "Good night!" James said and he hugged me. And I only nodded. We said goodbye to the rest and when they were gone, mom laughed at me. "You should've seen your face, when he kissed you!" She told me. "Stop laughing! I don't get it anymore." I told her. What do I even say I never got it. "After the quest you'll take about it." She reassured me. "Yeah, if I come back alive." I mumbled, but she heard it. "You and your friends are going to come back alive. I know that because you look like your dad and he would never let someone die. And your friends would never let you die. I have faith in you. You don't know what you can do, but you'll learn and your gonna be mighty. Don't forget this you're a queen!" Mom told me. "Now, go sleep. Tomorrow is the day!" Mom said. Dad came inside, I wished him good night and went to sleep...

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