The benders

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Phoebe PoV
I woke up, still in James his arms. "Sorry, I didn't want to wake you up. You were so cute." James said and I blushed. We stood up and I told him that I was gonna change and take a shower. He nodded and said he would do the same. I took a shower and after that I looked in the mirror. I lost 5 pounds or something. I was skinny! I turned around and looked at my back. There was a huge wound. I'll ask Andrew to clean it later. I touched it and I had a flashback. I pulled my hand away immediately. I looked in the mirror one last time and then pulled my clothes on

 I looked in the mirror one last time and then pulled my clothes on

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I walked into the mess hall. Juliet sat on Andrew his lap. I walked over to them. "Hey, Andy! Can you clean my wound later?" I asked him. Juliet stood up and Andrew pulled me in his lap. "What's going on with you, James and Jack?" He asked me. "I seriously don't know." I told him. "Tell me everything." So I did I laid my head on his shoulder and told him. "Woah, how did that happened? How could I not be there to hit them?" He wondered. "Hey, don't worry. I'm not gonna let them lead me around." I told him. He hugged me. "Eat something and then I'll clean that wound." He said and I kissed his cheek. I ate my breakfast, still sitting on his lap. "You two are so cute. But, it's kinda creepy. I always saw them as a couple and now I kinda see them as brother and sister. It freaks me out!" Bob said I looked at Andrew and we burst out in laughter. Bob also laughed. After breakfast Andrew took me to the hospital. "You need to pul out you shirt." He said. "What if anyone sees me?" I asked him. "Everybody is training or doing a task. I'm the only one and I already saw you in your bikini, there is no difference." He told me and I nodded. I pulled off my shirt, Andrew gasped. "If I ever see her again I'm gonna kill her." He mumbled. I looked down, I laid down on my stomach. He cleaned the wound and the took a bandage. When he was ready he asked me. "Did you lost weight?" He looked at me. "Yeah, 5 pounds." I told him he whistled.  Somebody opened the door. I screamed and hide behind Andrew, it was Dylan. "Oh, sorry. I only wanted to say that we're here." Dylan said, covering his eyes. "Okay, I'll come." I told him nervous. He nodded and run outside. "Nobody is going to come in." I told Andrew. "Sorry! How could I know that?" He said guilty. I pulled on my t-shirt. I hugged him and we went outside. We walked to the rest, they stood on deck. Our ship landed before a huge palace. I blinked a few time it was beautiful. I saw people pointing at us. "Let's go." I told them. "I'm gonna stay here with Era." Bob said and I nodded. Me and the rest climbed of the ship, well I jumped of the ship. We made our way to the palace, with people pointing at me. I held my head high. We finally reached the palace, a boy around my age stood there. He had a crown on his head, so I thought he was the king.

He had blond hair and blue eyes

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He had blond hair and blue eyes. He wore a weird necklace, an open shirt and a brown pants. Like he just came home from a pirate journey or something. He had a big smile and when he noticed me, he came over and hugged me. He pulled away and looked at me with the biggest smile ever. "Welcome home, your majesty." He said and welcomed me in. I blushed and waved, he was really charming. "Let's go inside and discuss somethings. And after that we'll introduce you to your people." He told me, still with that big smile. "Yeah, that's sounds great." I said. We entered the palace and my mouth fell open. The architecture was beautiful, if my mom was here she would totally flip. The palace was huge and had that Persian style. I looked at the boy and wondered what his name was. I walked next to him, when he noticed me he smiled. "I'm sorry, but I don't know your name." I told him. He laughed. "My name is Gideon, I'm the king." He said. "Woah, you look so young." I told him. "It's tradition that the prince becomes king when he is 16." He explained and I nodded. "So you're really 16. Is it true that benders can become 500?" I asked him, he laughed. "Yeah, that's the reason why my parents had me when they were 470." He said. I thought about it two old people having a baby. That's sounds weird, I just shook my head and give him my most beautiful smile. We stopped at a massive door. Gideon opened the door and I saw my teachers. "What are you doing here?" I asked them. "There counsel." Igna said irritated. "Can we do it fast, I'm hunting somebody." Terrus said. "We're." Igna correct him. Gideon turned to me. "The counsel was made by Catarina. She brought the 4 strongest benders and King together and we formed this counsel. She was also a member, until she died." Gideon said and his voice broke down at the end. He shook his head and lead me to the table, I sat at the head. My friends stood there uncomfortable. "Go to the room next door, you can stay there. I'm sorry but the counsel is for members only." He told them and gave them a sympathetic look. My friends went to the other room and I looked at them. "Okay, we have a war to discuss." Gideon said...

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