The future 3

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Making our way to Nico, I notice James's tense behavior. I know he wasn't over Clara's death yet. I don't think any of us really was, but he took it so hard. He didn't know how to handle it, we both didn't know.

I grab his hand and lead it to my lip as I press a sweet kiss on it. He smiles weakly and kisses my hand in return.
Even after all this sadness I still loved him and he loved me, and that pulled us through.

"We're here, are you ready?" I ask Caleb, he nods.
I smile weakly and we jump out of the car.
Knocking on the door, Will comes to open it.

"Phoebe? What a surprise!" He greets and pulls me in a hug.
Will his blond hair had some grey streaks in it, he, just as my parents, neared the age of 56. But his blue eyes still shone brightly.

"Hey, Will. I would love to catch up and all, but we have an emergency. Is Nico around?" I ask desperately.
"Yes, he's in the living room with Madeline. What's wrong?" He asks worried.

Caleb and James arrive behind me as I look at Caleb.
"I'll tell you inside with Nico." I tell Will.
He lets us in and guides us to the living room.

Madeline had her mothers long brown hair and her father's handsome features. Her eyes were a mix, a blue and a grey. It made me think of mine, who weren't the same color, but did move around like hers.

Nico and she were seated in the couch laughing and talking. I felt guilty to interrupt, but just had to.
"Phoebe! James!" Nico notices us with a smile.
He should smile more, it was really gorgeous.

"Nico, we need your help." James begged.
Nico stood up, confused.
I pulled Caleb to me, he still looked red from crying.

"Something is wrong." I start and look at Caleb.
"He's not sleeping, Clara keeps him awake at night."
Their expressions are shocked and sad.

"I would love to help, but for nightmares you'll have to go to a child-" I cut him off.
"It's connected with the underworld. She never arrived." I explain.
Nico looks confused.
"That's not possible." He states.
"Well it is." James tells him.

"Tell me more about your dream, Caleb." Nico asks him.
"It starts with a good memory we share and then I get sucked into some dark room and I see her just after the accident. She screams in pain and yells my name. She's keeps saying she's stuck and can't get into the underworld. I first thought it was just some nightmare, but I've been having the same one for a while now." He explained.

"I never heard of it." Nico mused.
Will laid his arm around Madeline and looked so sad.
Caleb came closer to my chest and I held him tightly. I hated to see him so sad and broken.

"I can call her spirit, see if what's happening." Nico suggests.
Me and James share a look.
It was a terrifying idea and I wasn't sure if I wanted to do it.
I couldn't guarantee I would stay dry.

"I don't know, Nico-" Caleb cut his dad off.
"Do it." His voice so desperate, me and James couldn't obligate him not to.
He was eager to see his twin

"I need something of her, something typical." Nico rambled.
"Her ukulele." James mentioned.
Nico nodded as if it was perfect.

"Oh, Korra needs me at the hospital. Mads, go with grandpa, I'll get your father to bring you home." Will tells us.
We nod and separate ways.


The ukulele was covered with birds, I remember drawing it for her. Clara loved birds, naming she loved to fly. She inherited some powers of James as from me. She could bend water, Caleb bended earth, Elijah fire and Alissa air.
All four elements, making me a proud mother.

My dad and Elijah walked in, smiling. They noticed us and my dads smile fell, he pulled me straight in for a hug as mom just released me.
"Are you okay, princess?" He asks.
"No." I whisper in his ear.

He cups my face and places a kiss on my forehead.
"Be there for Caleb and your family, that's all you can possibly do. You may the most powerful, but parenting is something much different from all the power."
My dad was smart when he wanted to be.

I smile as he pulls Alissa to him, she hugs him tightly and doesn't let go. I realize she knows what we're up to and she must be scared.
I sent her a kiss and she smiles slightly.

"Seriously, Nico, McDonald's again?" Dad asks as me make our way outside, where James just finished making a hole.
Nico grins devilishly as he starts to pour his happy meal inside the hole.

"Mads, old man?" I hear Jack call.
He walks to the backyard and notices us.
He still was so immature, he treated his daughter as his pale and was still so silly. Yet I liked that about him.

"Don't call me 'old man', my father is the God of underworld. Watch your mouth, punk." Nico grins.
Those two were unbelievable. Always arguing, but everybody could see that they loved each other.

"What's going on?" Jack wonders.
Madeline walks away from Elijah to her dad and silently explains him everything.
I feel Jacks stare on my back. But I couldn't look at him, not without breaking apart.

"A lot of ghost are going to respond, I'll push them aside. But remember this, I can't hold her long. Okay?" Nico explained, we nodded.
Both me and James stood at Caleb's side.

The earth started to rumble after Nico mutters some words in Greek.
Alissa screams when she sees the ghosts. My dad quickly covers her eyes by pulling her to his chest.
My hand on Caleb's shoulder tightens, he looks up to me. His expression scared, but also hopeful.

"Got her!" Nico exclaimed.
And then I saw her.

Clara was still as beautiful as always, her hair had turned golden and her eyes shone gorgeously. She grew and looked two years older, which wasn't possible for death ones.
Something was really off...

"Clara..." Caleb whispers and takes a step foreword.
Me and James don't stop him, we just stare at our gorgeous girl.
She would've been a heart thief.

"Caleb!" She cries out and tries to reach him, but is stuck.
"You need to help me." She urges.
"What's going on?" James steps forward.
"Daddy..." Clara smiles and James smiles back dazed.

"Mom, you need to help me." Clara turns to me.
"Where are you?" I ask, tears forming in my eyes.
"I don't know, but there's this weird woman. She knows you, she hates you..." She cut herself off and was pulled back at her hair.

"Hurry back, I can't hold her any longer!" Nico yells.
Madeline runs to him and gives him a hand, giving him more strength.
Jack hurries to her side and grabbed her hand.

"You went with her to high school, long brown hair, brown eyes. She keeps talking how much she loves dad!" Clara rambles quickly.
My eyes widen.
This couldn't possibly be.

"Madison." I snarl.
Clara her eyes light up, since I got it right.
Rage fills my body and I know I'm about to kill that bitch.
Sorry for cursing.

"Are you alive?" James asks.
We all stare at her, eager to know.
"I'm the daughter of the avatar and James Grace. Daddy, they'll need more than what they did to kill me. I'm not dying until I said my goodbyes to you and saw you and felt you guys." She stood proudly.
Like I remember her.

And the ghost pull her back.
She's gone.
But alive.

Authors note:
Thank you all for the reads, I can't believe some of you actually like my story!
This is my first authors note and I have like over 100 chapters. 😂
But I hope you like the new twist in the story and the children of James and Phoebe.
I just love them together, probably because I created them to be meant to be...
Although thanks for sticking with me and my story.
Lots of love,

Phoebe JacksonWhere stories live. Discover now