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The next morning we arrived in Olympus(the old one). It was colder than in Piraeus. It was like 62*F. I pulled this on.

I went to the mess hall and started to eat

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I went to the mess hall and started to eat. I was wondering how Ventus would be. Dylan said he was kind and wise. Then I started to think how he would look like. I immediately thought of a old man. As I was wondering the rest came in. Yeah, I was eating on my own. But I was excited to meet Ventus, I hardly gave the rest attention. Andrew came over and gave me a kiss on the cheek and I hardly noticed it. He waved his hand before my eyes, but I was concentrating on the quest and Rava and Ventus and the whole war. He nudged Juliet and she nudged Ben. Ben stood up and came over, he looked at me. But still i thought about everything. He even leaned in to kiss me, but I was to focused. He kissed my cheek and looked at the rest. "Let James try." Juliet said laughing, earning a glare from Korra. I started to think about Jack and started to smile. I can't thrust him, but I feel something for him. Like we have a very deep and strong bond. We need each other to, be each other. He's like an other half of me. I thought about my words and started to blush. Jack I thought. Everybody looked at me confused, then I realized it. "Did I say that out loud?" I asked them ashamed, they nodded. I buried my face in my hands. "Wait a minute. Isn't he the guy you danced with at Chiron's party and mom told you to stay away from him." Ben said smirking. "You've met him before?" James asked. "What do you mean with before?" Andrew asked him. "He was the guy from the beach party." Korra explained. They all looked at me. "What?" I asked them. "Why are you daydreaming about a guy you met twice?" James asked me. "She met him three times. The first time she bumped into him." Juliet said and they looked at me. "I'm a free woman." I defended myself. "Hallelujah!" Ben said and I laughed so did everybody else. "How can you like that guy? You only met him three times, he's mean and he always leaves when you ask him who's his godly parent is." James asked irritated. "Thanks for the worries. But I think I can choose on my own who I daydream about." I told him. He just shook his head. "If you now excuse me, I have a lesson." I told them with my head held high. I walked outside and saw Apollo. He waved at me and I went over. "Hey!" I said. "Well, hello Phoebe." Apollo said. "What are you doing here?" I asked. "You need to find Ventus, huh?" He asked me and I nodded. "Well, follow me!" We went of the ship and started to walk to a temple close-by. "So, how are you doing?" He asked me. "The best I can." I told him and he laughed. "I saw what happened with Pearl." He told me and I looked down in shame. "It was pretty funny!" He said laughing and I shoot him a glare. There was a silence. "You really shouldn't daydream about that boy." He told me. "I know, because his dark. But you can't stop a girl from daydreaming about a guy, who happens to be dead gorgeous." I told him and he looked at me. "I didn't know you where that kind of girl." He said and I just laughed. We arrived at the temple. When I looked for Apollo, he was gone. I entered the temple. The wind was blowing hard. I looked around when I saw a man maybe 33 years old. He was meditating, when he noticed me he opened his eyes and laughed. He had brown hair and grey eyes, they reminded me of mom and Andrew.

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