The game of love

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PPhoebe pov
P.I woke up feeling dizzy. I opened my eyes and saw Will. Now I doPn't have anything against him but I'm kinda in a war with his daughter, so... "How are you feeling?" He asked, he sounded harsh. I looked at him shocked, I wasn't talking to him no way. I looked around to find someone I knew. I looked and found mom, dad, Andrew and Dylan. They noticed me and came over. "Can you be any more harsher?" Dad asked him sarcastic. Will only looked at him. "Do you want me to be harsher because I can." Will said deadly serious. Dad was about to attack, but mom stopped him. "Just do your job, Solance." Mom said glaring at him. They started at each other, but Will stopped. My mom was just the best. "Now are you answering the question or not. Cuss, I have more important patients?" He said looking at me, like I was trash. "Maybe you should watch your words, dude." Dylan said angry and dad gave him a approving look. "Maybe
you should watch your words." Will said to Dylan. "If you're angry at her, why are you here?" Dylan asked. "I'm not angry at her." Will said, but he was lying. "Look, you are angry. I know things happened between your daughter and her. But if you are working, stay professional." Dylan said. Wills eyes widened. "Well, if you don't appreciate it here. You all should leave." Will said angry.  Mom looked at him. "That's very low, Solance. I .hope you realize you just lost an argument against a 16 years old." Mom said angry. Dad took me from the bed. "This is not finished! You'll wait..." Dad said glaringly
at him, I swear I saw Will shaking. We went to cabin 3.
/At cabin 3/
"She's has a fever, Percy!" Mom said. "Yeah, I went to the Apollo cabin and they all ignored me!" Dad exclaimed. "Wait, when I get them, I'll personally..." Mom started but she was cut off. "Don't kill my children!" Apollo said. He came over, he looked at me. He shook his head. "Phoebe, Phoebe look what you get if you steal someone's boyfriend!" He said. Drama queen I thought. "She didn't steal him!" Andrew jelled. "Well, what happened then?" Apollo asked. "She would like to answer you but she's very sick. And those children of you don't help her. She could die, you know!" Mom exclaimed. Apollo only nodded. He came over and looked at me. He placed a hand on my head and said something under his breath. I felt better, I sat up straight. And felt alright... "Thank you." I told him. "No prob, everything for the girl I guide." He said smiling, I couldn't see how bright it was because it was to bright! Then suddenly I was in a pink room. I saw a beautiful, no beautiful was not to describe her. She was breath taking. "Welcome, sweetie!" The voice said sweet. "Who are you?" I asked politely. "I'm Aphrodite!" Aphrodite said laughing. I bowed. "Why am I here, my lady?" I asked. "Well... You know your love triangle." She said giggling. I blushed, I don't want to talk about that. "Well, we'll talk about that later. But know we need to watch the drama!" She said squealing. Out of nowhere a huge mirror appeared. I saw my dad and mom very angry walking to the Apollo cabin, I knew that was bad news. "Everybody out!" Mom jelled. The whole .cabin came out, they looked scared. I saw Will and Nico. "If you think that this is
.a.cceptable, your wrong! When I'm done with you, there's nothing left of you!" Mom jelled, they were really scared right now. "Stop the threatening, Annabeth!" Nico jelled at her, he sounded calm but his eyes held fear. "This is not your fight, Nico." Dad said warning. "You just made it mine." Nico growled. Dad clenched his fists. "Okay, you're choice. But that wasn't wise, Di Angelo." Mom said calm. Yeah Nico's gonna .

die. "First of all p, I don't care that you don't want to help her. But saying to the rest not to help her, while she's dead sick. That's out of my language." Mom jelled at Will. "Don't overreact, she wasn't that sick, it was something little." Will said nonchalant. My
0dad burst. "SHE CLOULD HAVE DIED, YOU DUMBASS!!" dad jelled, now whole camp stood there. Dad went for Will, Nico tried to protect him. But when dad is mad, he can do everything. He pushed Nico away, like he was nothing. Dad took Will by his neck and pushed him against the floor. There were some bursts in the floor. I heard Korra scream. "PERSEUS JACKSON! STOP IT RIGHT NOW!" That was Chiron, no doubt. Chiron laid his hand on my dads shoulder. "Cabin Apollo, you'll receive your punishment. You never ignore a patient!" Chiron jelled at them. They started to complain. "You should be happy that I don't let Annabeth or Percy punish you!" Chiron jelled, everybody shut up. I looked at Aphrodite, but she was gone. When I looked at the mirror i saw here at camp. Explaining that she needed the prophecy children.
here was a huge light and I saw my friends. There was an audience, what excised out of all 12 gods. There were was a huge sofa. Aphrodite told me, James and Korra go sit. I sat at the very end, James and Korra next to each other. I really didn't want to be here. "It's time for James to choose, between team Phoebe or team Korra." Aphrodite ..said in a mic. "Oh, team Korra has won. Shows over, good night Olympus!" I
said looking at the audience and winking, I was leaving. "Sit back down." Aphrodite said stern. I sat back down, I needed to lose this. So he and Korra could be together and people would leave me alone. Tomorrow I have to start a quest. "Let's begin with the first roundP. Tell him what you think about him! Your first Korra." Aphrodite said and there was applause. "Well, I really liked you and I still do. I really fell for you and I enjoyed every moment of our time, and I'm hoping that there are coming more. I never had such a strong feeling for you than anybody else. I love you..." She said and they hugged. There was applause. "Is it over?" I asked hopefully. "No, buts your turn now." Aphrodite said. The words from Korra were beautiful. I had two options. Lying or telling the truth. I choose lying, they needed to be together. They love each other. "Hey, bro!" I said stumping his arm hard. He looked at me shocked, my friends laughed. They knew what I was doing. "Dude, your my brother from an other mother. " I said acting cool, I failed. Everybody laughed, even Korra. "You're funny, Phoebes." James said laughing and he took my hand. Our eyes were locked, but then I remembered my mission. "Oh wanna arm wrestle!" I said, winning. He was confused, I could see it. "You're my bro, bro!" I said, holding my fist out, waiting for the bump. He just looked at me, so I took his hand made it to a fist and bumped it. He looked so hurt, I was feeling so bad about it. But o need to focus on the quest. "Why are you acting like this?" He asked, he laid his hand on my cheek. I took his hand and did a weird dance move with it. "Do you know who's hot?" I asked him, he shook his head. "SHAWN MENDES!" I squealed. He looked at me, he started to laugh. I started to make ugly faces, but he kept laughing. I blurbed, but he kept laughing. "Stop laughing! You need to think I'm ugly!" I said everyone laughed except James. He came closer, laid his hand again on my cheek. "I could never think that." He said and I heard a lot of ohhs and aahhhs. "I have a boyfriend!" I jelled. He took his hand away. "WHAT?!" He and Andrew asked. "Andrew you know him, right." I said looking at him, hoping he would get it. "Oh, yeah." He said, he was getting it. "Who is it?" James asked. Shit, I don't know anyone. I need to make something up. "He's name is... Tyler! He lives in the apartment over my grandmas. We are pretty close." I said quick. "Wow, I didn't know that..." James said in disbelief. "It isn't true! She's lying." Aphrodite explained. James laughed, he was happy about that sentence. "It's time for our next round. In this round you're gonna dance with each other!" She said squealing. I just need to stand on his tips the whole time and that'll make him hate me! First were Korra and James, they slowdanced together, it was cute. She laid her head
against his chest, he his chin on her head. The danced on I won't give up by Jason Mraz. It was beautiful, I would ruin something so beautiful if I would win. I didn't want to. After the song, it was mine turn. He took my hand and danced with me. I heard the song and couldn't help myself to not sing along. Running low by Shawn Mendes. I love this song so much.

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