I think I found a way!

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"Veronica, Roni please can you hear me?" "Please something's gone horribly wrong!"


He found out!, He's cutting me off all communication, I have barely enough energy left to let Roni hear a whisper from me.

I'm getting weak, I need energy to keep me from fading away to nothing.

He wasn't supposed to find out, I don't even know how he found out.

There has to be another way to gather energy, there just has to be!

I need to contact Roni, She needs to know what's wrong!


I have a pounding headache and all this confusion isn't helping the pain, I just need to know where I am but I'm in too much pain to move.

Roni lay confused for hours before her parents entered the room,

"Oh My Gosh Veronica you're ok" Mrs Merrell cried as she ran to Roni gently hugging her.

Paul joined the hug, feeling thankful his daughter was alive!

Roni was stuck between asking who they were or why were they hugging her, "Excuse me Mr and Mrs but, who are you?" Roni questioned

Paul and Ellie's faces automatically changed,

"Honey, w-what do you mean?" "We're your parents" Ellie said with a hint of worriedness in her voice, "You remember us, right?" she asked

"I don't recall any memories of you, sorry" Roni explained full of guilt

"No Veronica don't be sorry none of this is your fault" Paul said

"Can we have a doctor in here please?!" Ellie shouted

A Doctor entered the room looking concerned, "Is everything ok in here?" he asked

"It's Veronica she can't remember anything!" Ellie explained

Roni looked around the room noticing this lady was speaking about her, she pointed at herself "Am I Veronica?"

"Yes honey you're Veronica Merrell" Paul told her calmly

"I'm afraid she might have amnesia, we'll have to do some further testing to check if she's got any brain injuries, you see it's not very common for the patient to be conscious this soon after a near death experience, she's very lucky to have escaped the coma stage where the survival chances are 50/50, there is usually some side effects if you do skip the stage and amnesia is one of them" the doctor informed Mr and Mrs Merrell.

"Thank you doctor" Paul said.

The doctor went and sat down next to Veronica who looked very confused by her surroundings,

"Hello" Veronica said, "I'm....Victor....Valer....Viol.... It's something beginning with V" She said cheerfully

"Hello Veronica I'm doctor Daily and I'm afraid you've lost all your memories" the doctor told her

"Well how do I get them back?" Roni asked

"We'll discuss that subject later but Veronica do you mind if I bring you with me so we can run some tests" he asked politely

"Sure, but could you tell me where I am?"

"Veronica you are in a hospital right now recovering from a car accident" The doctor replied

Roni stayed silent,

"Veronica is it ok if we go now?" Doctor Daily asked as he pushed a button on his remote

"Yes we can go" Roni said.

More doctors melted into the room attaching machinery and tubes to Veronica, before she new it she was out cold. The doctors wheeled her out to do further examinations. 


I think I found a way to gain energy to contact Veronica but it's really risky, he has a close eye on me wherever I go, he says I'm misusing my energy and I could cause something terrible to happen if I'm not careful and that energy was to only be used to create our beautiful surroundings and lands.

I have plans to retrieve my full energy and return to Roni but it's super dangerous.

There was a rumour around when I arrived that he had a way, a way to contact human life in body form without using energy, but they say even if you're in the radius of ten steps your energy levels will immediately fill to the brim, but it was just a rumour.

I set off to try find it, it couldn't be that difficult I mean a massive bolt of energy could not be hidden very easily, or could it?  

(A/N: Hope you liked it please tell me what you think, I'm sorry I don't updated very often my cousins are over <3)

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