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I lay there, tears staining my cheeks, my throat throbbing.


A week had passed, I made no effort to attempt breathing by myself or moving. What was the point?

Everyone said they understood how I was feeling, But did they?

I was actually going to Nessa's funeral this time, Yep, This time. I think Nessa is the first person to have more than one funeral in the space of four years where her body isn't decomposed whatsoever.

Daddy told me I could give a eulogy if I was up to it or get someone else to speak my words for me.

The truth is, I didn't want to do any of this, I wanted to turn back time, to go back to the days where Nessa and I would laugh at absolutely nothing or cry over absolutely everything. I would do anything to go back... but that's not possible.

I lay flat on my back, like I have been for the last three weeks now, my body was stiff and sore, it needed any form of exercise.

A doctor entered the room with a clipboard and a fancy pen. "Ah Miss Veronica! Today is the day!" He chimed enthusiastically.

I rolled my eyes and sighed,

"Don't worry, we won't force you to do anything we just want you to try your best ok?" He asked,

I nodded my head slowly.

"Alrighty then, shall we get started?" He questioned.

He took it as more of a rhetorical question because as soon after he finished his sentence he called for a team of doctors with the button beside my bed.

After several minutes of various different doctors piling into the room the main doctor raised his voice. "So today Veronica, we are going to help you regain your breathing strength, We have a team of doctors here to unwire you and help you into a wheelchair and after that Dr Sandra here will escort you to a special room"

Without another word the doctors began working.

There was prodding and poking and I was growing claustrophobic, I could feel a minor panic attack creeping up, My breathing grew fast and rapid but slowed down after I felt a gentle hand take mine, I glanced to my side to see Mason looking worried. I gave him a soft smile to indicate that I would be alright.

After a few minutes and a quick change of a portable oxygen mask I was in a wheelchair and being wheeled down a long bland hallway.

I stayed quiet until we reached a room that was full of color and machinery.

"Ok Veronica, we will do nothing that will hurt you. We just want you to try everything and see how it goes" Dr Sandra stated.

I was brought over to a table with two buttons, green and red. I placed in front of the table.

"Now Veronica I'm going to replace your mask with oxygen tubes, I will start on a low setting and if it's too hard to breath press the red, I will then turn it up a little and so on and on." She explained.

I felt like a three year old, having everything to be explained to me.She swiftly replaced my mask with the tubes and began the process.

I was struggling to breath so I hit the red button, I felt a strong swoosh of fresh air blow up my nostrils and dance around my chest causing me to wheeze and cough. It was nice but it was still too hard to breath so I hit the red button.

Life after the car accidentWhere stories live. Discover now