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Little did he know that it did, with this information hopefully I'm another step closer to bringing Nessa home!


"RONI!" Nessa called as I appeared in the same small cramped room I usually do when she contacts me, "YOU DID IT!" She shouted with joy.

"Does this mean you can come back yet?!!" I asked excitedly, her expression changed to a guilty cunning look,

"...not exactly" She whispered. I groaned in exhaustion, how long would it take to bring her back? Days, months years?! "Roni don't worry I can help you more with the next few tasks!" She said confidently, trying to lift my spirits.

"Nessa... When is this gonna end? I've been doing all these tasks for you and so far it's changed nothing. Why did I even need to find out which coffin you were in?" I asked bluntly, crossing my arms.

"I need to know where to find a body when I return, you know how it works. Look Roni I am extremely sorry for making you do this for me but I don't know how long I can take this for! The only time I can use my mind is when I contact you and it's hard to be enthusiastic about all this when you're acting all depressed! I know you've had a hard life, trying to cope without me but it's the same for me! At least you have family and friends to support you! I know for sure that if we don't do this one day you will stop, you will stop believing in me and when that day comes I will fade to nothing because You, You are the only one in this entire world who can change things. You!" She shouted as tears began falling down her rosy cheeks. I didn't know what to say or how to feel, I never knew how she felt, I always made everything about me! And one of the few times she needs it all I do is throw her shade.

"Nessa... I'm sorry" I tried to apologise,

"Just. Just come back later" She sobbed and just like that I was back in the car with Mason.

"Wow Veronica are you alright, you spaced out for like 5 minutes" He laughed as he pulled up outside my house.

"I'm fine" I whispered as I gave him a hug and a kiss on the cheek before running up to my room. I expected myself to break down and cry for my stupidity and selfishness but I had a better idea! I grabbed a large whiteboard that Nessa and I used to use for videos and a marker and began on my plan. I drew out a timeline from the point right before Nessa's first death right up until after her second. It has every single detail down to the bone, from what hospital room she died in to the moment her casket was buried for the second time. I started crossing off the main tasks I had already completed like getting rid of Sophie who held power over the other side, getting rid of Milten, destroying the other side, freeing evil spirits from the black box and the digging up of Nessa's grave. I took a long look at the board trying to figure out what I needed to do on my own in order to save Nessa.

I circled her hospital room number, it seemed pretty vital, I circled the bridge cause it was the reason for her death. It got more difficult to decide what to circle seeming as I went through a lot in the process leading up to now. I finally circled the field in which she died the second time even though I had no clue where it was. "I'm gonna make things better for us Nessa" I whispered.

I grabbed my coat and boots and ran out to the car, first stop the hospital! I drove for quite a while until I was pretty much completely lost. I stopped next to some joggers and rolled down the window, "Hey um excuse me?" I shouted so they could hear me.

"Yes sweetie pie?" The woman said in a strong southern Texas accent.

"You wouldn't know how to get to the hospital of Los Angeles from here would you?" I asked.

"Oh Honey you've gone very far off, the hospital is about a half hour drive from here, do you want help finding it on your GPS?" She questioned nicely.

"EM no thanks I'll find my way, thank you though" I said as I quickly drove off, I was not trusting anyone easily after what Linda did. After an hour and a half of guessing the route I finally could see the tall hospital down the busy L.A road. The traffic was bad but the sunset was gorgeous! I looked out my window to see a series of young men with cameras in their hands, "Vlogging" I whisper laughed to myself, it's been awhile since I checked YouTube out. I looked out to see one of the guys approaching my car so I slid the window down.

"Hey you wouldn't mind given my friends and I a lift up to the hospital right? My friend Holden tripped off his Penny board and I think he's broken his ankle" He explained as he had a camera stuck in my face, I glanced at his friends, sure enough one of them was on the ground in pain.

"What's your channel called?" I asked,

"Well I'm Max Coleman and my friends and I own a combined channel called Los Vlogs" He explained impatiently, wow so original I thought.

"Why not? Hop in you guys! Just don't get blood on the seats, I'm hoping to give this car to someone soon" I warned. After the young boys finally stopped discussing views one of them grabbed the camera and made a fake interview.

"I'm Noah Tyler and welcome to YouNews, our dear friend Mike has had an incident on a small pink penny board and we are almost sure his ankle is broken" He said in a decently funny posh accent. He then quickly pushed the camera into my face, "So tell me young lady how could you afford such a nice car, what is this a maserati gran spar chou?" He asked, still tryna act like a news reporter.

"It was a gift" I answered,

"Why did you graduate or your birthday or something?"

"Nope, after my car was wrecked in a life threatening car crash which killed my sister who was also my best friend my parents replaced it" I answered truthfully,

"Wow dude, I'm sorry I didn't mean to make you bring that up" Noah apologised, it didn't bother me, telling the story cause I knew someday Nessa would be back.

"So why did you pick up a bunch of us teenagers off the side of the road, not even knowing who we are" Max asked, again turning the camera on,

"Cause I was a YouTuber at one point" I told him,

"Wait really!? Why did you stop? Bad views? Got bored?" He asked,

"No" I coughed, "My sister died, we had a joint channel" I laughed nervously.

"Wait! Are you one of the Merrell Twins!" The guy with the hurt ankle, Holden shouted, I slowly nodded my head, the three other guys sat in confusion, "My little sister was obsessed with you guys!" the others still had no clue what he was talking about,

"You know I'm the girl who was in the news for a car crash and then for going missing for almost four years, when I was found my sister came back to life then died... again and then I was accused of killing her" I explained awkwardly. The car was now moving so I was focused on the road but I could feel the eyes of the teenage boys staring at me.

"Cool" Max laughed as he turned on my radio and began jamming out to some top charts song. We finally reached the hospital and went our own separate ways, "Thanks for the clickbait!" Max shouted while the others went in and waited for Holden to be treated.

Now it was time for my investigation to begin.

(A/N: Hey guys! Sorry for leaving ye for ages, I was on holiday but now I'm back! Hopefully I'll be able to update more often again<3)

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