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I opened my mouth to speak and this time words came out.


"Roni" I said, my own voice ringing in my ears. My body felt weak and old and my first instinct was to contact Roni but this time I didn't need too. I opened my tired eyes seeing Roni standing only meters away and shocked.

"N,Nessa!" I ran towards me and smothered me in a hug. She wouldn't let go of me and for some reason it was actually kinda funny,

"Roni please!" I laughed, trying to calm her down so I could explain what was about to happen. "Now I need you to listen to me very very carefully ok?" I asked and she nodded, "What is gonna happen next will change everything!"


"Because I'm back from... the dead? Well anyways people won't believe and it will be impossible for my name to stay imprinted in this world, if we stay like this I won't be able, I'm only here because you believed enough to gather energy. If I see someone who knew me from before I will die, and this time for good" I explained, her mouth gaped open. "So listen what is about to happen will be strange but you have to forgive me, I had no choi..." I was I interupted by the solution. I watched as Roni screamed as she faded, I closed my eyes in await for the damage to be over.

Veronica's POV


My eyes were glued shut, the last thing I remember was Nessa telling me that I had to forgive her but what for? I know I began fading which scared the living daylights out of me. Right now I don't know where I am, it feels like a dream and my eyes are shut cause I can't feel anything. I allowed my mind to run off, starting a new dream in which I was sure I'd had before.

A song blared in my ears waking me up, I blasted upright immediately, I knew I had just woken up but where I had woken up was stranger. I glared at my phone which had woken me up... what the heck? iPhone 6! This wasn't my phone... I pressed the on button which turned off the alarm but showed my lock screen if Nessa and I, this was my phone from ages ago. I looked at the time 7:30, why was I getting up so early!? Than I saw the date and it felt as time itself had frozen, the 27 of July 2016.

Am I dead?

Just as I was about to go back to sleep to try and wake up from what felt like a dream Nessa barged in. "YES!" She screamed, "I'm here, you're here and we're both real!" She laughed jumping onto my bed,

"Nessa is 2016! We went back in Time how is that supposed to work?"

"We just won't go to Ryan's house and our future will be rewritten" She relaxed, Latin back.

"I have to live out these years again!?" I asked worriedly, I didn't wanna be 20 for another year!

"Relax, you skipped three years as well so you never really did live them out but don't worry if we can get through this day without one of us dying we'll be fine and back in the time we're supposed to be" she tried reassuring me which worked for about a second until I actually revised her words.

"One of us die!?"

"Well according to history and the future of today I'm supposed to die and because we've cheated Time the world is still planning my death, so today we're sitting on the couch, not eating in case I die somehow and definitely no technology cause who knows it might electrocute me" She laughed telling me to get up and get dressed. My body automatically pulled myself out of bed and into my old routine.

I went downstairs to find Nessa literally sitting in the couch doing nothing "Wait you're serious about this? Nessa we're 20 again, I know neither of want to be but let's do something" I urged, trying to get her up.

"We can do something tomorrow and the day after that, even up until my death date which is supposed to be today, I'm sorry Roni but what's the point in risking if it's never worked before"

"That's what life is! Gambling! We'll stay inside today but from what I've learnt in the few years that I've been alone is that there's no point in keeping calm, it's true we only live once and loads of people don't understand that. Once you're dead that's it, no get out of jail free cards or passes, you're gone" I whispered sitting next to her.

"I guess" she answered.

We sat in silence for ages, Ryan Higa kept texting us and I plainly answered that we couldn't go with no excuse just saying we couldn't go. To be honest I'd prefer him being angry than Nessa being dead. He kept calling until I finally gave up and answered,

"Hey Veronica... when will you guys be here?" He asked patiently.

"Hey Ryan... um, Nessa and I aren't feeling too good, there must be a big going round or something, rain check?" I asked hopefully,

It took a moment for him to answer "I'll come over tomorrow, how does that sound?" He answered. I somehow agreed, ending the phone call awkwardly.

"We won't be here" Nessa said almost planned,


"We, won't, be, here" she spaced out so I could 'understand' "I can't tell you but can we just get this day over with" she almost said almost spilling tears.

I began to think for a while, Max, Mason, the other side, my apartment and so many other things began twisting my mind, it's like I knew them but somehow I know they have no clue who Nessa and I even are, the other side seemed fake as well as my apartment. I remembered everything almost to the dot but it felt like a dream, I asked Nessa questions but they began to slip her mind, she started to answer questions with 'I don't remember' or 'that never happened'. I don't wanna forget! I won't let myself forget! "You can't stop it, it'll be like a dream, you know it happened but not every detail. Try remembering seeing or hearing yourself at any point, just like a dream, you don't exist." She whispered staring into the distance, tears slipping down her cheeks.

"I don't wanna forget, a lot happened, a lot of memories will now mean nothing" I began to cry, "please Nessa... I'm begging!" I sobbed trying to look her in the eye but she wouldn't.

I sat in my room by myself writing what would mean something. I wrote every detail and visual I experienced that Nessa and I would soon forget, I assumed she was doing the same but in the living room with a blunt pencil and a fluffy paper or something more ridiculous. I could remember everything but it felt as if I was wearing blurry goggles and details were missing.

(I'm kinda sad that I have most of the rest of this book prewrittin :( Can't believe it's been a year and a half. Thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed<3)

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