I'm not Nessa!

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"Nessa, it's me silly, Sophie!"


All my energy was gone! I was fading,But I had to save Sophie, I struggled to get up it took a solid 20 mins to get to a kneeling position.

I looked around in search for Sophie, she was gone. I couldn't see her anywhere, did she use all her power on him? Did she fade?

Tears rolled down my face as I collapsed to my side, I failed, I failed at keeping Roni safe and now I failed to keep Sophie safe!

It was time for me to go, fade away into nothingness, I didn't deserve to stay after hurting so many people!

I lay there for hours waiting for myself to fade away but something wouldn't let me, I was stuck like this!


"Nessa, it's me silly, Sophie!"

"Um, I'm not Nessa" I exclaimed

She looked at me confused, then laughed, "Ha ha very funny Nessa!", her laugh was so cute it lit my heart up, but why did this girl think I was Nessa? Where did she even come from?

"Nessa where are we?" She asked suddenly feeling scared,

I looked at her examining every inch of her, Was she part of my life before I forgot?

"Who are you?" I questioned.

"Nessa, it's me Sophie!" she said

"I'M NOT NESSA!" I shouted becoming seriously frustrated, that was a mistake,

Her eyes filled with tears and fear as she whimpered in the corner of the room, I didn't realise how rude I was being,

"Come here" I asked opening my arms for a hug, she was reluctant to come at first but slowly entered my arms, I softly squeezed her as she cried on my shoulder,

"I'm sorry Sophie, My name is Veronica, I was just getting frustrated over the fact you kept mentioning Nessa" I apologized

"I don't understand" she sobbed,

"What don't you understand?" I asked softly stroking her blonde ringlets behind her ears,

"Why do you keep calling yourself Veronica, Nessa I know it's you! I was just with you" She said

"Wait Sophie, you were just with her! How Sh-she's dead" I whispered.

"No, I was just with You, you tried to defeat him, but you weren't strong enough so I helped!" She cried.

"Oh My Goodness, I forgot. Nessa, i-is she ok? Did she win?" I asked concerned,

Sophie just shook her head and looked to the floor, "Are you really not Nessa?" She asked,

"No" I sobbed,

She whipped away my tears and continued to hug me, "If you're not Nessa who are you?"

"My name is Veronica and all I know is I lost my twin sister/Best Friend in a car crash" that's all I could say until my voice cracked and I broke into tears.

She pulled back and looked at me, "Are you her sister/best friend?" She asked

I nodded my head,

"She talks about you a lot, she really misses you, on our journey she'd talk for hours on how you two would play and laugh together, she made me feel like there was still hope and maybe being on the other side wasn't bad after all" Sophie spilled.

I can't believe Nessa was missing me as much as I missed her! Then I realized something,

"Sophie, how are you here?" I asked

"I don't know, I saw him defeat Nessa, as she fell to the ground I ran and jumped I felt energy drain from me, when I opened my eyes I was on your floor!" She responded,

So did this mean there was a way for Nessa to return?

(A/N: So guys here's another update, I won't post as much this next 2 weeks cause I'm starting 2nd year on Wednesday which is equivalent to 8th grade, wish me luck! Also please tell me what you think so far)

Life after the car accidentTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon