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"I'm sorry" she whispered.


I woke up just like any other morning but drenched in sweat, I glanced at my phone and decided to double check the date cause for some reason I couldn't remember, oh yeah the 22nd of December. There was something tingling in the back of my mind but I couldn't put my finger on it, gradually it began to irritate me not knowing what was actually annoying me!

Nessa barged in distracting me from my thoughts, "Roni it's 2017!" She said out of breath,

"Good morning to you too" I laughed confused, "Are you ok? You know it's been 2017 for like 11 and a half months right?" I said nervously.

"Oh yeah... ha" she answered distracted and suddenly I remembered what was bugging me,

"Oh Nessa! Tommy told me to tell you he's coming over later" I called after her.

Nessa's POV


My mind was racing, I ran back into Ronis room and grabbed the diary she had written to remember, I grabbed mine and through them in a box under my bed. "I'm going to forget later!" I assured myself. Roni said Tommy was coming over and I knew I loved him but it was strange cause I've never met him, I knew what he looked like and how he sounded but to me that's just my fake memories.

I ran around my room gathering familiar items that hadn't disappeared, like the diaries and the necklace Roni and Collins made. Everything was going wrong! Roni forgot 8 hours ago! I was due to forget in four, 'twelve after the first sibling' I remembered being told but not from who.

Roni entered my room with no knock or anything just came in and sat on my bed, "I had the strangest dream last night" she laughed,

"Good!" I shouted, "that's amazing!" I shouted in excitement running over to her and pulling her in for a hug.

"What's up with you today?" She asked concerned,

"Hopefully I'll be back to normal in-"I glanced at the time, "three and a half hours" I answered still distracted in gathering old items,

"That's funny" she said quietly to herself, picking up the necklace,

"What?" I asked alarmed,

"This was in my dream last night,I think, Collins and I made it" I grabbed it off of her and threw it in the box along with the Diaries, "I think I had the same dream as you" I lied, we sat down for about half an hour, Roni discussing her dream and me discussing my past, yet they were the same story. If she remembered what I did she would never speak to me again, I asked her to leave politely so I wouldn't have to cry in front of her. 'I'm a horrible person' I kept repeating to myself, lying in my bed and sobbing.

I couldn't bare lying to her again so I locked my door and stayed in my room for as long as possible, Roni kept apologizing, she thought she had done something which broke me. I kept getting texts from her, asking me questions but I just replied 'please not now'

Tommy called and my body forced me to get up, I had no control over what was happening. I opened the front door to a gorgeous man who I immediately knew as Tommy, his hazel eyes glistening in the lights as he brushed the snow out of his hair, "Who knew it would be snowing in California" he laughed. 'I'm here that's why' I thought, I gave him a peck on the lips as I watched Roni padding behind us, she stopped for a moment but decided Now wasn't the right time. "What ya wanna do?" Tommy asked with a smile across his face, "Can we talk? I wanna know everything again, I've got a headache and it's causing me.. to not be able to focus on certain memories" I lied once more.

We sat down in my room s spent an hour and three quarters talking about everything and anything, I already knew it all but I wanted to hear it in person. "15 minutes" I whispered, "till what?" He asked, "till everything's normal, 12 after the first sibling" I repeated. He laughed thinking it was all a joke, "hey tommy do you mind going down to Roni for a while? I just wanna pop in the shower and clean my hair, it feels like years since I've had a shower" I pretended to laugh,

"Course but I think Chance is here" he said awkwardly and then suddenly a fake memories popped into my head, Chance and Tommy getting into a fight, I was there and Roni wasn't, I broke up with him for a while and Roni never found out but he came back and apologized, "awww are you scared?" I joked, words making their own way out of my mouth, was this gonna happen regularly? That I wouldn't be able to control my voice? "Well he's quite big and scary" he joked along. Chance was not big and scary, he had a clean cut had pretty good muscles but his curly brown hair and dimples got him out of everything.

I watched the clock turn from 11:55 to 11:58, I began preparing myself, I lay down in bed so it would look like I had just woken up which would be believable cause it was all supposed to be a dream. I watched the seconds hand on my clock app hit 45 and closed my eyes, 15 seconds, I kept imagining. I slowly counted down from 15, drifting into a deep sleep.

I woke up abruptly finding myself sitting upright and drenched in sweat, I saw Tommy tip toeing across my room, "sorry I didn't mean to wake you" he whispered coming over and giving me a kiss. I loved him and it felt more real than anything, "it's ok" I answered frustrated. He left the room and eventually left the house, I trudged into my bathroom and had a shower, for real this time, my mind kept racing causing me only to frustrate more.

I stormed out of my room and ran outside, I looked at my surroundings, turning 360 degrees to make sure I took my scenery in correctly, Roni followed me outside with her arms crossed, frozen in the cold, "you Ok?" She called from the driveway.

Third Person


Veronica and Vanessa stood meters apart but for Nessa if felt like miles, Roni gave her a smile as she trudged over to her sister, indulging her into a warm hug. Nessa let silent tears drop from her soft rosy cheeks before hugging her sister in return. Veronica slowly took the time to question Vanessa's sudden outbreak, Vanessa being the private mysterious girl that she is, kept her bulging thoughts to herself for what wasn't the first time.

Both girls returned into their home, seeming as if nothing was wrong, as if they had both forgotten, but Vanessa held a dark secret, a secret in which she wouldn't dare tell a soul.

Her mind still continuously drifts off wondering what life would be like if she did forget about everything that day, if she turned out like Veronica? 

(I'm crying as I write this... a full year! I began writing this book on an airplane and decided to post the first chapter on this strange site WattPad, 5 Chapters was the original plan but here we are 85 later and was #5 on trending for I'd say less than a day XD, This is the last ever chapter of LATCA and I'll miss writing the complicated story but I do have a sequel on the way, not promising it will be that good tho. Thank you so much for my anual readers, you know who you are because it means so so so much o me that you took the time to even glance at this book. When I publish my new book I'll let you know by posting it off of this one, as always thank you so much for reading and I hope you liked it<3)

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