Move Out

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^(Have a listenXD I love it <3 It's amazing!)^

Let's do this!


I knew it would be difficult to figure out how to solve this death but I had a bunch of ideas in my head, I sat on my bed for hours contemplating what I should start with. I'm pretty sure my parents called me downstairs but I was way too concentrated to listen. "Veronica?" My dad asked shaking my shoulder, distracting me from thought, "Your mother and I want to speak to you downstairs" He informed as he quickly left, I was confused by his sudden input, lately my parents just let me do what I want, come in whenever and let me go wherever. I slowly made my way downstairs to find them sitting at one end of the dining room table,

"What's up?" I asked confused as I sat down across from them.

"So Roni" My mom started, "You know how your birthday is coming up soon?" She stated,

"Is it?" I laughed.

"You see this is why I don't think we should do this" She whispered loud enough for me to hear in my dad's ear,

"Your mother and I believe it's time for you to move out" My dad interrupted bluntly, my mind blanked. Move out!?

"What?" I answered shakily, knowing I wasn't ready for this, I could feel a panic attack slowly arriving.

"Well we think that this house isn't helping you get over your sister" He explained, "It's been years since you last saw her and you're still upset!"

"No it hasn't! It's only been months! You think that this house is stopping me from getting over her? What about you guys? You haven't touched her room since she last stepped foot outside this house, and barely even mention her actual name! If you think this house is stopping me from getting over her death then you're wrong! She is my twin sister and will always be and if you think that I can 'get over' her in a few 'years' then you're crazy! So no matter what you say I'm not moving out!" I shouted in defence, now out of breath.

"Honey it's too late for that" My dad whispered, "You're therapist..."

"Therapist!? I don't have a therapist!" I interrupted confused,

"Your mother and I hired one a few years back and we get in touch with her every month and speak about your progress" He explained, "Moving on, she recommended that you should move into a new environment and we knew you'd rebel so we have rented an apartment about a twenty minute drive from here in advance, your mother and I decided it would be best for you to leave before the end of the week" He finished.

I stormed out of the dining room and ran to my car and drove as fast as I possibly could, my mind directed me and led me towards the graveyard, I slammed my car door shut as hard as I could and ran into the cemetery. I found Nessa's grave and kneeled down infront of it, "I know that you're soul isn't in this grave and that you can't actually hear me but I need you to know that my life sucks without you! I need you to come back for real! Mommy and Daddy are forcing me to move out and I'm not ready for that! We were supposed to move in together in a small apartment in the center of L.A!" I sobbed, I glanced up to see a family, three young children and who seemed to be their father staring at me. They must be visiting their mother or something and here I am being the most disrespectful human ever, "Sorry" I whispered. The father nodded and grabbed his children's hands and quickly walked away, "Great" I told myself.

"Roni?" Nessa asked, I opened my eyes and there she was standing in front of me, back in the same room.

"Yeah" I answered shakily, as my whole body quavered,

"Hey what's up?" She giggled nervously, gripping onto me so I didn't fall, My head spun and my body felt like jelly. "Roni tell me what's wrong?!" She ordered, pushing me into a chair.

"It's stupid" I replied, realising how ridiculous I was acting,

"Roni nothing about you is stupid!" She shouted, "Now tell me what's wrong?!" She said sternly.

"Mom and Dad are forcing me to move out" I whispered staring at the ground, "They said that I'm not able to move on whilst living in the house" I responded annoyed,

"Where too?" She gently lifted up my chin so we had eye contact,

"Bout 20 mins away" I whispered.

"Don't worry about it Roni" She laughed, "Freedom! Once I get out of here we'll be together again. I promise" She said seriously,


"Promise" She giggled.

(Sorry that these chapters are so short, I know how this story is gonna end but filling in until then is really hard XD ilyg<3)

Life after the car accidentOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora