The Switch

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I turned around and stared at the messy grave, 'I have a lot of work to do' I thought as I wiped my mouth from the previous kiss I just received.


I sat in Roni's car as I drove home, I spent hours cleaning up my grave. How do I tell her that her boyfriend kissed me!? I felt terrible! I just betrayed my sister! I can't go one day in her body without doing so! I had to do something to repay her, but what? I had an idea but it was a risky one.

I stepped on the accelerator and sped home, I didn't care about driving anymore, I had to do this before the cemetery closes!

I skidded in the driveway and jumped out of the car. I ran up to the front door, I searched for a set of keys in my handbag. As soon as I got in I stumbled up the stairs to my bedroom, I swung open the door, out of breath. All I had to do know was find what I was looking for! It had to be in here! I began opening drawers and pulling out all of my belongings. I opened shelves and rummaged around some miscellaneous junk.

I slid down against the wall, I closed my eyes, my breaths slowing down but were loud and raspy.

"So when can we switch back?" She asked stailey.

I opened my eyes, I was back in the room Roni had brought me to earlier. "Roni please just give my 2 more hours I need to do something! I need to find something!" I cried.

"Wow what's up?" She asked, her tone of voice changing into the caring Roni I know.

"This Mason guy he..." I whispered.

"Crap! I forgot to tell you about him!" She shouted, smacking her forehead.

"Roni he kissed me and I'm sorry" I apologised, tears streaming down my face.

"Look Nessa it's not your fault, you didn't know"

"It is though! I can't even go one day back on earth without ruining something! I'm so stupid! What's even the point of trying to make me alive again Roni?" I cried "Maybe it's meant to be... maybe the universe just doesn't want me back" I whispered.

"Nessa! Don't say that! Who cares what the universe thinks! All I know is that I want you back and I won't live any other way!" She defended. I felt her bend down and kneel in front of me. "Nessa I will never fall out with you because of a boy" She giggled, pushing my hair out of my face.

"I'm sorry" I said, looking up and into her eyes.

"It's ok" She replied, smiling. "Now I'm not sure how to switch back so I'll come back to you in 2 hours and then we'll swap, is that ok?" She asked.


"Ok then, I'll see you when I see you then" She said waving.

In the blink of an eye I was back in my bedroom. I quickly stood up, I need to find this. I rummaged through almost every nook and cranny in my bedroom. It should be here! I told Her to put it here!

"Looking for something?" Someone giggled behind me, I turned my head to see Sophie standing behind me. I haven't seen her since I made her ruler of the other side, but the other side was destroyed so how is she here.

"Sophie how are you here?"

"I'm not, I'm from the box. The box which I traveled from that frozen world we were trapped in to the other side, the item in which you're looking for! I told you that if you used the box more than once to teleport somewhere it could be tempered with! Well guess what? It's been tempered with!" She laughed "Nessa I never had the opportunity to thank you, for helping me cope with my own death but you know what? You never asked me how I felt! I never had the chance to tell you that I wanted to be in charge! So I did what I had to do, I left you to die so I could rule over the other side and let me tell you there was a turn of events! Your crazy ass sister decided to destroy the other side along with me in it! So I grasped onto the closest object I could remember that I could... possess I guess" She stated.

I was not in the mood for a fight right now so I picked up a water bottle from the floor, opened it and sprayed the water all over her. She released a horrid high pitched squeal and began to evaporate. Wow that actually worked! I laughed. When she completely disappeared she left behind a box. It was the box I was looking for! It was the box I had used to teleport from that weird world that was frozen in time to the other side.

I picked it up and sprinted back outside to the car. Just as I hopped in my parents were getting out of there cars.

"Veronica honey where are you going?" My father shouted.

"To the cemetery! I'll be back as soon as possible!" I shouted back. Could see them look at me worriedly but I didn't care! I had to get this done. I sped over to the cemetery, I could see the groundskeeper closing the gates. I stumbled out of the car, keeping a tight hold on the box as I ran up to the groundskeeper.

"Oh hello Veronica" He said cheerfully.

"Hi..." I had no clue what the hell his name was! "Erm can I go in for one last visit?" I asked out of breath.

"I guess so but only because it's you" He smiled.

"Thank you so much! I'll be really fast!"

"No problem and give Vanessa my respects!" He shouted kindly after me.

Wow Roni must really come here a lot!

I ran as fast as I could towards my grave, as soon as I reached it I had to kneel down because I was so out of breath! I placed the box behind a large bunch of flowers I had placed there earlier and hid it nicely. I quickly grabbed a notebook from my handbag and a pen and wrote a quick note, placing it under the box.

Dear Roni, I'm so sorry about what happened with Mason so I left you this box. The main answer to the clues lies in this box. Use it wisely! Btw Mason wants to meet up with you at the diner tomorrow but I'm not sure what time. Xx-Nessa

I finished up and rushed back to the car, thanking the groundskeeper for letting me in and then I drove home. My mother and father were waiting for me inside the front door.

"Hello?" I said confused.

"Why?" My dad asked shaking his head.

"There was no reason for you to do that to her bedroom" My mom stated. Oh crap I left ,my bedroom in a mess!

"I'm so sorry! I will go up there right now and clean it!" I shouted as I began running up the stairs.

"Wait Veronica come back down we need to speak with you!" My father shouted.

I ignored him, I ran into my bedroom and slammed the door, Roni would contact me any second now.

"Why so out of breath?" She laughed.

"Oh good! Roni let's switch back!" I said fast.

"Did you leave me in trouble!?"

"Let's just say you have a lot of cleaning to do" I giggled. "Here take my hands" I ordered.

She grabbed onto my hands. "You'll never believe who came to me earlier" I quickly gossiped.

"Who?" She asked curiously.

"Sophie!" I responded.

"What how!?"

"That's a story for another day but for now just close your eyes and concentrate"

"I'll see you when I see you" We whispered in unison as I felt my soul being ripped out of Roni's body.

It was dark, there was nothing to see or hear so I guess that means the switch worked. 

(A/N: I'M GOING TO RELEASE A NEW BOOK!!!! I haven't fully decided what date I'm gonna publish it on bot I know for a fact it's sometime this month!<3 Please comment when you think I should release it<3 And thnx for reading!)

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