A dream!

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His lips were soft and gentle, our tongues moving in perfect sink.


I lay on his lap, my head lying carelessly on his shoulder.

Hours had passed, there was no sign of any police officer especially ones with my drug test!

"Can I ask you a question?" Mason whispered into my ear.


"Who are you? Where are you from?" he chuckled.

"It's complicated!" I stated. I turned my head so Mason wouldn't see the tears well up in my eyes.

"Trust me nothing's as complicated as my life" He said.

I turned my head and stared him blankly in the eyes, "You wanna bet?" I giggled sadly,

"How much?" He laughed quietly.

"Well you see I've been missing three and a half years so I'm flat broke!" I chuckled,

"Wait you're Veronica Merrell, like the Veronica Merrell who was pronounced dead last year?" Mason asked in disbelief.

"Yeah that's me!" I sighed,

"I forfeit!" Mason laughed.


"From the bet, I forfeit"

"Oh ok so I guess you get a punishment then" I stated giddly.

"I guess so" he laughed.

I sat in silence trying to conjure a perfect punishment, Then it came to me!

"Ok I have something!" I stated loudly but nervously,

"Go ahead" he urged.

"Do you like me?"

He didn't answer for what felt like years!

"Well it depends Veronica Merrell!" He laughed, gazing into my eyes.


"If you're high or drunk!" He chuckled.

I playfully punched his arm bursting into a fit of laughter "Mason you know I'm not high or drunk!"

"Veronica Merrell, I like you! I mean I really like you! But in case you are drunk or high I don't want to be left after the hangover" He joked.

I was about to reply but I was quickly pulled in for a long sweet passionate kiss.

"I like you too" I whispered as we pulled apart.

I was exhausted!


We waited even longer, it must have been hours, waiting in the damp bland waiting room.

By now we both sat in individual chairs, our fingers intertwined.

"You know Veronica Merrell?" Mason whispered,

"Mason you know you can call me Veronica or Roni" I said,

"Veronica Merrell has more of a natural beautiful roll to the tongue" Mason stated happily causing me to laugh.

"What were you gonna say?" I asked interested.

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