The unBurial

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I had escaped the massive argument that was headed my way and all it took was for me to release my emotions!


I woke up to my phone making an annoying ringing noise., I groaned as loud as by vocal chords allowed me to. I grabbed my phone and answered the call, not even checking who the caller ID was.

"What!?" I said angrily,

"So I guess you're not a morning person" Mason laughed on the other line.

"Oh hey Mason" I giggled, I was extra embarrassed.

"So seeming as we're now a couple would you mind if I took you out on a casual lunch date this afternoon?" He asked, putting on a terrible british accent which made me burst into laughter.

"Yeah I'm free, Pick me up at 2 sharp" I stated.

"Right I'll see you then!" He answered happily.


I jumped out of bed full of excitement. "I'm going on a date!" I squealed to myself. I only had 4 hours to choose what I wanted to wear! How was I supposed to do that! Just then I knew Nessa was trying to contact me because my vision began to blur.

"Hola ma sista!" She said in a really bad spanish accent.

"What is up with people and bad accent's today?" I laughed. "What has you in such a good mood anyways?" I asked.

"Well sweet little Veronica I was kindly reminded this morning by a massive, may I had painful, jolt of power that I am coming home soon! And it could not have made me any happier!" She shrieked.

"Hold up I still need to figure out how to get you back" I defended.

"Yes but you'll figure it out no problem cause you're smart and it's really easy! The one thing you need to do is just find out as soon as possible..."

"Which coffin you're body is in and why you came back twice" I interrupted.

"Wait! Pause right there!" She shouted, She looked deep into my eyes and circulated me, taking long slow steps. "There's something up, I can sense it" She whispered, making a loud sniffing noise with her nose which made me giggle.

"I have it! You're going on a date!" She shrieked, jumping up and down.

"Wow you're good" I answered, amazed how she had guessed it.

"Puh-lease Girl I was a playa in my day, I can tell from your sent that you're going on a date" She said in a funny voice.

"Playa? Don't you mean had a boyfriend for a while?" I asked laughing.

"Shhh that is not important! All that matters it that I'm the best sister in the world, good luck on your date, I wanna hear all about it later and I'll see you when I see you!" She stated, waving and smiling.

"See you when I see you" I replied, waving. For the next hour I ran around my room gathering bits and pieces for the date. I then hopped in the shower, cleaned my hair thoroughly, I blew dried it and then curled it with a curling iron. At about twenty to one my dad walked into my room.

"Hey Roni honey we've arranged for the grave unburial to be at 1:30" He stated,

"Wait WHAT! No That doesn't suit! Why didn't you tell me this earlier!?" I shouted.

"We were gonna tell you last night but... you know"

"Daddy I'm going on a date at 2!" I defended.

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