Strong Connections!

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His hand behind his back creating... an energy ball.


"Nessa! RUN!" I yelled as loud as I could,

I glanced to my side as I watched Sophie disappear.

"Sorry Roni I can't get in the middle of this" She apologized and then she vanished.

Nessa and I locked eyes, for a split second time felt as if it was frozen. She smiled at me, her eyes filling with misty tears.

"I'm sorry" She mouthed.

Before I could do anything to help her Milten threw forward his hands pelting Nessa with the energy ball. The moment felt as though it lasted forever, watching my twin sister being launched into the air, she landed with a loud bang. She was still, all was silent, she wasn't moving.

I didn't give up hope! There still had to be a chance right? I mean this has happened so many times before! But she still wasn't moving.

I suddenly felt a massive surge of anger rise within me, adrenaline overtook my body, all of a sudden I was now full of rage.

There was only one thing on my mind, and it was to finish off what Nessa had started! Killing the original set of Merrell Twins!

I trudged forward, every step longer and faster then the next.

"Veronica, tell me how do you feel!?" He asked interested,

"Like I want to kill you!" I shouted.

I clenched my fists, they felt hot, strange, as if they were the most powerful things in the world.

"It Worked!" He bellowed while laughing evilly.

I wasn't paying attention to what he was talking about, I was to focused on trying to kill him.

I was about to throw a punch but my arms felt possessed, as if something in my body was overpowering me!

I looked down at my hands, I gasped, I felt as if I might have cried!

I, Myself! Was creating massive energy balls with my hands.

How is this possible!? I'm not dead! Am I? No I definitely didn't die!

Then I realized something! Milten isn't dead, but how did he create energy balls?!

"I know what you must me thinking Veronica!" Milten chuckled. "You see us Merrell Twins are special! The two of our twins were never meant to be born! We all know when they both died they became ruler of the other side, first Jackson than Vanessa. But you see Jackson was always a greedy child, he always got what he wanted because he was younger! When our parents told us he had to die, honestly I wasn't too upset. I got over it! Unlike Him! When it was finally Vanessa's turn to overpower the other side Jackson decided it wasn't fair, so Him being Him He put up a fight! Which ended up killing Him for good. Oh Well! You see what I never realized was that you and I Veronica have a gift! We're able to see dead people! But we also have a connection with our twins. A strong one. When Jackson died fully the connection was so strong I absorbed His powers, and I guess that's now happened to you!"

"Are you telling me... You just killed my sister... for good?" I mumbled quivering with anger.

"You know what!? I think I am!" He laughed.

I was speechless, I buckled to my knees digging my face in my hands, the energy had now disappeared with my rage.

I slowly looked up as I watched Milten vanish as he laughed.

I ran over to Nessa, stumbling along the way.

When I reached her I was shocked. She was pale, her body limp and frail.

"Nessa..." I whispered.

There was no answer.

"Come on Nessa! Wake up!" I shouted shaking her.

Still no answer.

"Don't do this to me! You can't do this to me! Please Nessa" I cried! "Don't leave me again!" I cried.

I Kneeled beside her, shaking her and shaking her,

She still didn't respond.

I cried loudly, Milten had proof, proof she was gone for good!

I felt a soft pair of hands on my shoulders,


I slowly turned my head, I was facing Mason, the cute boy from the diner.

"You came" I whispered.

He looked down, he must have seen Nessa's body on the ground because he looked shocked.

"Oh My God! Veronica come here" He soothed as he pulled me into a hug.

I collapsed into his arms sobbing on his shoulder. He held me, He told me everything was going to be ok. But in reality was it?

I then realized something, I pulled away from his hug.

"Wait, You can see her?" I asked while tears streamed down my face.

(A/N: Hey guys! hopefully this chapter cleared everything up! Honestly tho I cried while writing this, I mean i know Nessa has died countless times but still!)

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