Behind Melting Bars

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"But they have her body..." I whispered


"Veronica, sweetie that couldn't be possible, we buried your sister several years ago." My dad assured.

"No I'm telling you she was there!" I shouted,

"Veronica, Honey, I think you need some rest" My mom stated, leading me towards the seating area.

"No! Listen to me! Even ask Mason!" I bellowed.

"Who's Mason?" My dad asked confused.

Just then Mason emerged from the restrooms looking innocent,

"He-He saved me" I whispered softly blushing.

I guess I had just put Mason on the spot because his face was as red as a tomato,

"Um... Hello Mr and Mrs Merrell! I'm Mason Costello!" Mason began but was quickly interrupted by my dad hugging him.

"Thank You! Thank You Mason for finding our daughter! We owe you the world!"

"It's ok, she was safe when I got to her" Mason added.

We were interrupted by armed policemen approaching us, one of the men was holding a pair of handcuffs.

We moved aside to let them pass but they stopped when they reached us.

"Miss Veronica Merrell, You are under arrest!" One of them stated.

I was shocked, my mouth gaped open, I was speechless.

"You have the right to remain silent. If you do say anything, what you say can be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to consult with a lawyer and have that lawyer present during any questioning. If you cannot afford a lawyer, one will be appointed for you if you so desire." The other one stated.

"What did she do!?" Mason shouted,

"Her alibi makes no sense! She was apparently the only human present at the time of her sister's death, which after some studies was not an attempted suicide!" The policeman answered.

"But Sir our daughter Vanessa Merrell is dead!" My mother cried.

I was too shocked to say anything, my mind was completely blank. I felt one of the guards pull my arms violently behind my back and force handcuffs onto my wrists.

As they pulled me away I could make out my family and Mason defending me.

"She didn't do anything!" I could hear Mason shout in the distance.

My mouth stayed gaped open throughout the entire process of the files and questions.

They continued to ask questions but I didn't answer anything. I had my mind set on one thing! I have to get my revenge on Milten and Sophie.

I was later pushed into a small overnight cell, it stank and it was claustrophobic! There was a hard metal camp bed with a worn mattress next to the wall with no duvet or pillow.

There was a news channel playing on a small tv I could just about see from outside the bars.

I sat down on the bed, absorbing my surroundings. Was this real? People actually thought I killed my own sister!?

I was quickly distracted by my name on the tv, so I listened in.

"Hello I'm Nancy Scott and welcome to News For You! I'm sure you've all heard of the tragic cautionary tale of Miss Veronica Merrell. After her and her twin sister experienced a dramatic car crash they were both left with severe near death injuries several years ago. Her sister Miss Vanessa Merrell was later pronounced dead, so we thought. It was said only a few hours of Veronica's arrival home she suddenly went missing. Her name is known worldwide for the most confusing disappearance known to man! It was confirmed earlier this evening after three and a half years missing she was found by a young working male. She was said to have been found next to her twin sister Vanessa Merrell who was again pronounced dead on the scene. Investigators are still trying to figure out how this is even possible. But for know Miss Veronica Merrell remains behind bars!"

Anger rised from within me! People actually are believing that I killed my own sister!

I felt the same tingling sensation in my fingers from when I blasted Milten. I glanced down at my hands and to my surprise they were forming large glowing energy balls.

This was my chance to escape!

I placed both my hands on the jail cell bars, feeling the metal melt away slowly.

(A/N: Who remembers Nancy Scott!?😂)

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