Walking Away

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"A long long life!" Milten teased while laughing.


I lay on the cold solid ground. Allowing the pain to slowly fade away.

The thing is though... Did I want to be ok again? What if I just... I dunno waited? Waited until it was too hard to hold on. Then maybe I could be with Nessa... But I wouldn't... I would go to the other side... I could never be with Nessa.

My decisions were patronizing me, I had to make a choice. I closed my eyes for what felt like hours, letting thoughts flow through my mind.

20 years... 20 long years was all I was allowed have with her. Why not a lifetime? Why out of all people did this have to happen to us?

I slowly flickered my eyes open... I was still here. I was still somehow on the other side with Milten fighting over who would give blood.

I slowly raised to my feet, I turned in an opposite direction and began to walk.

"Where are you going" I heard Milten laugh.

I turned my head, "Neither of us want to do this... so let's just not do it" I replied.

"Veronica you know well it doesn't work like that" He stated harshly,

"Milten you knew well my sister was alive and you didn't tell me" I answered.

"Don't you be sarcastic with me!" Milten ordered,

I sighed as I turned my head and began to walk, I could sense Milten's anger from a long distance.

"I guess I'll drain you myself!" Milten bellowed,

"Go ahead" I allowed emotionlessly.

I felt Milten's powerful energy blasting towards me, Maybe, just maybe if I die I could be with Nessa.

It was a strange sensation, I could feel a slight impact of a strong source of energy being shielded from me.

"Why aren't you going down!?" I heard Milten shout aggressively.

I don't know how I wasn't, I wasn't bothered to find out. I just want to go home.

(A/N:Sorry for the really short chapter but someone asked for a peaceful one and I'm not good at those. Quick shoutout to merrelltwinner05 go check out her new story it's awesome.  Also I wanna congratulate @carrotmerrell for finishing her book The Third Merrell, if you haven't read it make sure you do cause it's amazing!<3) 

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