Cemetery Kiss

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What did this mean? I glanced back at the texts. They were sent... on the 2nd of August... The day of the car crash!


My head was throbbing and my thoughts were driving me crazy! Honestly I was too confused to dig deeper into the strange texts that were sent off of Nessa's phone and to figure out who J was.

I skipped down stairs and grabbed a jacket from the hook in the hall and a set of car keys from the counter in the kitchen, "I'm going out! I'll be back later" I yelled, leaving without a response.

I hopped in the car, I stuck the keys in the ignition and reversed out of the driveway, I glanced at the digital clock on the car dashboard, 5:19 p.m. The cemetery gates are still open. I began to drive, I turned on the radio. KIIS FM was blasting out some new top charts song. The music these days, well since I've returned, is truly terrible! DJ's think it's ok to have a continues scream in each song, and classical music now contains of horrible violin playing. I switched it off and began humming to myself instead.

It was strange, I felt as if someone was humming along with me, it sounded as if someone was humming along with me. I glanced around the car but there was no one there, I was kinda freaked out so I drove the car a little faster, anxious to reach the cemetery before 6.

I pulled up in a dull and dark parking lot, it smelt of old flowers and I could sense the amount of bad memories creeping up on me.

I slowly walked through the gates, careful not to disturb any of the other mourning visitors. After about 10 minutes of walking through miscellaneous pathways I found Nessa's grave. Someone had placed a bench several feet away so I sat on it, It had an engraved message inscribed on it.

It read: This bench allows you to spill each dreaded tear in peace and in love.

I sat there, staring at my sister's grave, there was complete silence. I had been drained from tears these last few days. Fresh flowers from the funeral smell was still lingering in the air.

I kept staring at her grave, not saying anything. Itw was weird to think she was right here. It was awful, the realisation of understanding she was here but she couldn't do anything.

"Why do people have to die?" I whispered.

"I dunno" Nessa answered from beside me, I quickly turned my head, but she wasn't there.

"Wow I must be seriously sleep deprived" I laughed sadly. I swear it sounded so real.

I was distracted when I heard deep soft crying from a few meters away. It was more like sobbing, It sounded like a young man but I wasn't too sure.

I stood up and decided it was time to leave, as I made my way through the long winding pathways I found the source of the sobbing.

I turned my head confused "Mason?" I questioned accidentally aloud.

He glanced up noticing me, he quickly whiped his stray tears and walked over to me.

"I'm so sorry" I whispered but before I could finish my apologies he pulled me in for a long passionate kiss.

It was nice but it was a little weird that we were kissing in a graveyard. As we slowly pulled apart we gazed into each other's eyes. "I'm sorry" He whispered.

"No I am I didn't mean to intrude your private time" I responded.

"No I mean I didn't mean to intrude your personal space, I shouldn't have just unexpectedly pulled you in like that" He stated embarrassed.

"It's ok, I didn't mind it" I replied.

He smiled softly, I leaned in and pecked his lips. I could tell he had mean crying from his salty lips.

"Are you ok?" I asked.

"Um yeah...no not really" He said, moving his vision and scratching the back of his head.

"Wanna talk about it?" I questioned.

"My um... my best friend passed a few months ago, he um... he was sick and he wasn't strong enough" Mason struggled to say, tears glistened in his eyes.

"I'm sorry" I said, feeling sympathy for him.

"It's not your fault, it's no one's fault, this kinda stuff happens and there's nothing we can do about it." He stated.

"Yeah" I whispered.

I could hear a voice as clear as day saying "Yes there is!" But that was just my imagination.

(A/N:Thank You For Reading!  Also sorry for the lack of updates there's a lot of things going on right now and I was visiting family<3)

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