Where Am I?

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"Noooo, come back, please!" I begged as I fell to my knees, I had to save them and it would be risky.


When I woke up I was in a strange place, it wasn't like home, it was more cold, more dark.

I attempted to sit up but my leg was in too much pain, it felt as though it had just been crushed by an elephant or something!

When I finally sat up straight I leaned myself up against a wall and looked around, I had no recognition of where I could've been, maybe I know somewhere inside but I can't remember, it was a bedroom of some kind, with two cribs on either side of the room, one pink one purple, I could hear laughter of some sort, a small children laughing.

I was confused and curious on where I was.

"Ah little Veronica is it?, It's been so long since I banned you from the other side, So Not nice to see you!" He laughed,

I managed to get up and balance on one leg,

"Why are you doing this to me?! Where am I?!" I demanded

"Well Veronica, I do this simply for fun, and I have set out tasks for you, each room you complete you move on to the next!" He answered smugly.

"How do I complete the rooms?" I shouted!

"Just remember where you are!" He laughed

"But I can't!" I answered Angry

"Look Veronica, I'll be nice here and if you complete all rooms I'll let you see Sophie!" He chuckled,

Why do I keep forgetting! "What about Nessa?" I questioned worriedly,

"Let's hope she finds you or else" He laughed , "Now begin!"

I had to figure out where I was?!, How the Hell would I know where I was I lost my flippin memorie!

I hopped over to the bed being cautious of my leg.

I got to the pink crib to see a little baby lying down with a teether in her mouth giggling away to herself, How was I supposed to know where I was, so far from what I know I've never seen a baby!

I limped over to the purple crib to find the same baby lying down holding a small blanket in her hands also giggling away to herself.

How could this one baby be in two cribs at once? Then it hit me, OK I may have lost my memory but I'm not dumb.

"Ah you two are Twins" I whispered gently, putting my hands down and carefully picking up the baby in purple.

I looked at her, there was something extremely familiar going on, I feel like I've seen this child before.

I studied the crib a little more but couldn't find anything to tell me who this child was.

I was getting frustrated, would I be here forever? Suddenly the baby started crying which caused her twin sister to cry as well, I tried rocking her tickling her, everything I could think of, then I placed her down next to her sister in the pink crib and they immediately stopped crying and started to laugh again!

I was about to give up and collapse of exhaustion when I noticed something around the babies necks, they had matching lockets with names engraved on them.

I picked up the baby in pink and read her name, Vanessa.

What? I picked up the baby in purple making sure I gently placed Vanessa down first, the baby in purples read Veronica.

How was this even possible I was holding myself! I put Me in my old crib, I guess, and limped around the room in search for any other clues.

There on a cupboards were pictures of us as babies, I picked up a baby card which read,

Dear, Mr and Mrs Merrell,

Congratulations on Twins, Baby Girls,

Love from The Jacobs.

My head was throbbing, this was too much to take in, how was I here, how could this even be possible.

Then I heard his voice,

"So Veronica have any ideas?!" He laughed.

"How am I here!?" I yelled "This isn't Possible!"

"Oh Veronica, Poor little Veronica, I don't believe you understand, I can make anything possible, I am the most powerful thing in the universe!" He Shouted "So answer my question! Do you know where you are!"

He was so loud I had to cover my ears,

"I-I'm in my old bedroom with Nessa!" I answered whimpering still in pain,

"Ah correct, well done" He chuckled evilly,

"Now let me see Nessa!" I yelled!

"Veronica we went over this, it's not that easy, you still have several more challenges and tasks" He said miraculously.

Before I got say a word or move an inch something blasted through the walls, everything went black, all I could hear were screams, shouts, but before I had a chance to recognize the voice something hit me in the head and I must have blacked out.

(A/N: Hey guys sorry I haven't posted very regularly, school has been making me really busy, but I will try my best to upload twice a weak, please tell me what you think of the story so far <3)

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