Awkward Moment

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"I know but it feels like years since I've seen either of you!" I exhaled. It has been years since I've seen them and as much love as I can show them they will still think I'm Veronica.


"Veronica! Veronica it's time to wake up" I heard my mother whisper. I softly opened my eyes. I had forgotten the sensation of waking up, it felt odd, sleeping again. My eyes stayed unfocused. "Here honey put these on" My mom said as she handed my Roni's glasses.

"Morning" I said in a horse tiered voice.

"Honey I know you miss Nessa but you need to stop sleeping in here"

What was she talking about? Missing Nessa? I am Nessa! Oh Wait! It all flooded back, I'm in Roni's body! I glanced around the room, I was in my bedroom, nothing had changed except that it was cleaner.

"Sorry, I didn't notice that I came in here I guess I was too tired" I whispered. Did Roni usually sleep in my room? I didn't think she missed me that much.

"Roni I need you to go to Nessa's grave and check if everything's alright, the groundskeeper called me and said there was kids messing around last night and some of the graves were messed with" She explained "Your father and I have to go to work"

"Yep ok" I responded.

"Now get freshened up and there's pancakes in the oven downstairs for your breakfast" She told me, kissing my forehead before leaving. "Oh and Roni please remake Nessa's bed"

I wanted to shout at her, tell the world that I was Nessa! I wanted her to know I was alright! That I missed her! That I loved her! But I couldn't. She'd think Roni was crazy, so I had to play along. I jumped out of bed and got dressed, brushed Roni's teeth and washed her hair over the sink because it felt uncomfortable to have a shower seeming as this wasn't my body!

I skipped downstairs and entered the kitchen. I walked over to the oven and took out the pancakes. I hated pancakes but Roni loved them, that was one thing we never agreed on. I took them out and put them on the table. I stood there for a good 10 minutes thinking about what I would do with them. I couldn't put them in the bin cause you would smell them. I felt something tickle my feet, I screamed and jumped up onto the counter. What the hell was that!? I looked down, my eyes rested with big brown doggy eyes.

"Tiger!" I whispered. I hopped down from the table and embraced him into my arms. He looked at me with his head tilted. He must be wondering why I was giving him so much attention. Even though Roni and I shared Tiger I always had a special bond with him. Tiger and I had a certain paw shake no one knew about it was cute but cringy, it took him weeks to learn in but it's what certifies him who's who.

An idea rushed into my head. I grabbed the pancakes and shoved them into tigers food bowl. "Eat up Tiger! You won't tell will you?" I laughed.

I gave Tiger one last rub and got a coat from the cloak room. Wait a minute how will I get to the cemetery? I'm not driving and I sure as hell am not ordering another uber! I had no other choice! I had to drive! I searched for a set of keys and when I reluctantly found some I went to the garage to check out what car the family now had.

My mouth gaped open as the garage door slowly opened, there was a good as new maserati gransport coupe just sitting there. The number plate read R0N1. My parents bought Roni my dream car! Are they serious!? I had been asking for this car for years and as soon as I 'Die' they get my sister it! I couldn't complain though I mean I wasn't even supposed to be alive right now.

Life after the car accidentTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang