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I shortly after passed out with exhaustion.


I awoke suddenly, my head was resting on someone's shoulder and I think we were in a police station.

A police woman slowly approached me.

"Ah Veronica I see you are awake!"

I stared at her blankly, I was in a really bad mood.

"Is it alright if I take you to a private room where we can ask you some important questions?" She ordered more than asked.

I stood up abruptly causing myself to stumble forward, the person whose shoulder I was leaning on quickly caught me, I turned my head to see Mason.

"Um...Thanks" I whispered awkwardly.

The police woman looked at me strangely, "Ma'am have you consumed any alcohol or drugs in the last twenty-four hours?" She asked concerned.

Was she implying that I actually drunk alcohol or even touched drugs!

"No! I wouldn't dare!" I replied.

She looked at me sternly, "I will have you take a test!"

I was shocked, taken back!

"Ma'am please follow me" She ordered.

I followed her into a small interrogation room, with a large mirror which was obviously a window. I sat down on the cold metal chair.

A policeman explained several boring rules about not lying and to always speak the truth.

With that they began asking questions.

"Please state your full name"

"My name is Veronica Jo Merrell" I answered.

"Please state your age"

I had to think carefully about this one.

"I'm 23 years old" I replied shakily, "I think" I added.

"Your address?"

"Ummm... I think L.A California?" I responded, When I regained my memories I'm not sure all of them returned.

"Relation to the victim?"

My heart stood still, I could feel pain on the inside bulging to escape.

"I'd rather not talk about my twin sister at the moment as I'm still recovering!" I answered tearfully.

"I'm sorry Ma'am but you swore to answer every question!" The policeman said sternly.

I knew it would be hard to talk about, tears welled in my eyes, "Ok, I'll try"

A few more boring questions continued until a certain one silenced me.

"Who was present at the scene?"

"Em... Well you see there's a problem. One of the girls present was named Sophie Smith but she um... she's dead."

"How and when did Sophie die?"

"Umm I think like 3-4 years ago in a car accident" I replied knowing how crazy I sounded.

"Ma'am that is not physically possible!" The police woman shouted.

"Milten Merrell was also there" I confirmed.

"Ok Miss Merrell you are going to go to the rest rooms and pee in this cup for me ok!" The policeman ordered.

I angrily nodded grabbing the cup from him and making my way to the bathroom.

I couldn't believe that they thought I was High or Drunk!

I did what I was told and returned with a full cup of my urine. I honestly felt like chucking the fricken pee at them but I knew if I did I'd get in serious trouble.

In the meantime they allowed me to wait in the lobby along with Mason.

I felt exhilarated! I had no idea how! I felt as happy as I have ever been in my lifetime, as if I could do anything.

So I did what I feared the most, I began to flirt with Mason.

We flirted awkwardly for the first half hour but then his eyes began to draw me closer. The blue crystals shimmering in the blinding fluorescent lighting.

I've barely even got to know Mason, but I felt as though I have loved him for a thousand years.

"You know what you did earlier was very heroic of you" I whispered seductively biting my lip.

"Me? When I showed up you were already safe" He giggled.

He pulled me onto his lap and and suddenly kissed me!

I pulled away, "Wow, Mason I just met you!"

"Oh Jeez! I'm sorry!" Mason apologized embarrassed.

I thought for a moment on what I should reply back to him... "I never said I didn't like it!"

I placed my hands on his sharp jaw line and began to kiss him.

His lips were soft and gentle, our tongues moving in perfect sink.

(A/N: I'm sorry😶)

Life after the car accidentNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ