The Return

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I snapped back to reality, at first I wondered why that particular memory had come back to me but then I remembered what the balloon maker had said. 'Offer with no hesitation'


"Nessa!" I shouted at the top of my lungs. "I'll do it! If it's possible I'll do it!" I was standing in the middle of a corn field shouting up at the sky somehow believing Nessa could hear me.

I stumbled backwards after a strange gust of wind hit me. "You don't want to do that" Nessa replied.

"Why not? You would do it for me!" I answered, I tried to see her but my vision was blurred by a sudden appearance of fog.

"Roni we would do anything for each other but I can't let you do this! I was the one was supposed to end up like this. If you try harder neither of us have to sacrifice" She explained.

"That's the point! If I do this you will be able to complete whatever mystery I can't solve! You could potentially bring us back" I stated.

"It doesn't work like that!" She answered frustratedly.

"Then how does it work!?" I asked, anger rising within me.

"I have no body to come back to! Mine's buried in a coffin underground, the only way for me to come back is to use yours" She explained. "Roni, I'm so thankful that you even considered offering yourself so that I could live a life but I'm afraid the only way I can come back is if you figure it out!"

"Nessa! I don't care if you take my body! I just want you to at least live a day in this world and see what it's like, do it for me and I'll do it for you!" I told her. I knew she would say no so I decided to create a plan. I needed to try and switch with her but I had no clue how.

"Roni No!" She said firmly. I could feel her presence close by.

"Come closer" I asked "I wanna see what you look like"

"I don't look like anything Roni. I don't have a body" She told me. But I could feel her close to me.

"I'm sorry" I whispered.

Before she could respond I reached my hands into the fog and breathed in. I felt the cold dull mist enter my body... I could feel Nessa. I felt my conscience being ripped away and placed into thin air along with me. Was this how it felt for her? I couldn't see anything but I could connect with Nessa's thoughts. I heard Nessa gasp. I knew  that my body stood before me and I knew I had done it successfully! "You knew I was gonna do that" I said, it felt weird because I had no mouth to speak from, the words just came out.

"I know" I heard Nessa answer quietly "Roni what have you done? It's gonna be harder to switch back! You knew I didn't want this to happen and you knew I had no escape!" She stated angrily.

"You could see my thoughts? You created dreams just to talk to me" I asked not responding to her statements.

"Of course I did! You don't know how badly I wanted to be with you! Because you've done this you have but us a step farther from where we need to be! I can't switch back with you for 48 hours because the body needs to be fresh and right now it's containing a dead girl!" She shouted getting frustrated.

"Nessa we'll be together! I just wanted to give you a break, let you live a bit" I defended.

"Fine! But hurry you need to get back before you run out of energy" she ordered.

"Go back where?" I asked but before I got an answer I disappeared and energy began to flow through me.


Nessa's POV

I closed my eyes, clenching my fists. I was here! I was breathing in fresh dew ridden air that most people took for granted. My fingers brushed against the corn stems. I opened my eyes, colors flooded around me, it was night time and I was in the field Roni had stormed away to. I was here! I was on earth with a beating heart! I felt a tear of joy fall down my cheek. I was in Roni's body but it wasn't much different to mine.

I reached my hand into my pocket and pulled out Roni's phone. I opened up uber and ordered one to the nearest road. I began walking, it felt strange, walking again.

As I came to the road an uber was already waiting for me.

I opened the car door. "Hello" A man said dully.

"Um Hi" I answered. My throat quivered with the sound of my voice exiting my voice box.

"You alright? He asked as he began to drive. "What's up with being stranded in the middle of nowhere?"

"I um...I was on a hike earlier and I got lost" I replied. I sat in the back of his car in silence. I was too scared to talk because I wanted to keep Roni's body completely safe. After about twenty minutes we pulled up in my requested destination.

"Wow you're going in there? Isn't that the family who buried one of the crazy twin daughters twice?" He laughed.

"No that's my family who had a wonderful funeral by mistake so had another beautiful one for me... I mean my twin sister!" I stated angrily correcting myself at the end.

"Oh...sorry" He apologised "Hope you have a great night ma'am and don't forget to rate!" he shouted as I left the car and he sped off.

I stood in my driveway, staring up at the house Roni and I had bought for all of us to live in. How do I go in? Didn't Roni just tell Mommy that she was finding somewhere else to stay for a while? Just then I heard the front door open.

"Veronica honey get inside it's freezing cold outside!" Mommy shouted. I hadn't realized how cold it actually was! I ran up to her. I looked at her top to bottom.

"Mommy!" I whispered as tears fell down my cheeks rapidly. I pulled her in for a hug, squeezing her tight. She gently hugged me back.

"I see you've decided to come home" She stated.

"Oh yeah um Sorry"

"I'm glad you apologized. Roni honey, your father and I know that we had already made the decision and were gonna consult it with you but what you did wasn't a good idea. It was a family choice that should have been made" My mom explained but I was too busy hugging her to listen.

"I know and I'm sorry" I apologised on Roni's behalf.

Just then Daddy entered the room, as soon as I saw him I ran into him and hugged him hard! "Wow kiddo! I saw you yesterday!" he laughed hugging me back.

"I know but it feels like years since I've seen either of you!" I exhaled. It has been years since I've seen them and as much love as I can show them they will still think I'm Veronica.

(A/N: Hey  Guys! Thanks for reading! What do you think so far? Plot twist! Nessa's back!)

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