Butterfly Effect

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"I'm sorry Nessa! I can't do anything right"


My last try was the field and if I couldn't figure anything out there then I've become a failure. I drove for awhile not really paying attention to the road but to the depressing view, the sky was grey and gloomy and the grass was dull, the sight pretty much described how I was feeling. I knew exactly where to find the field in which Nessa was killed for the second time, memories began drifting into my mind as the car rocked along the country road. I remembered the precise moment.

Nessa and I locked eyes, for a split second time felt as if it was frozen. She smiled at me, her eyes filling with misty tears, "I'm sorry" she mouthed. Before I could do anything Milten threw forward his hands, pelting an energy ball. The moment felt as though it has lasted forever, watching my twin sister being launched into the air, she landed with a loud bang. She was still, all was silent, she wasn't moving.

I remember how I kept repeating over and over again in my head that she was still alive.

"DON'T DO THIS TO ME! YOU CAN'T DO THIS TO ME! PLEASE NESSA! I cried, not realising I was actually shouting.

"Roni come here" I heard her say, I felt her arms engulf me in a hug. I looked up to see that I was in the room where Nessa usually contacted me.

"I'm sorry" I sobbed into her shoulder, as I trembled she held me tighter,

"What's got you all shaken up?" She asked, pushing my hair back behind my ears and wiping my tears away but they were quickly replaced.

"I tried, I promise I tried!" I managed to whisper, I couldn't find the words to try and explain to her that I failed in attempting to save her, I had no courage left in me, it had been slowly plucked away since the beginning.

"Roni calm down and explain to me what happened" Nessa stated concerned, her grip tightened on my shoulders, I didn't dare lose eye contact with her.

"I can't tell you how horrible I felt after we spoke last, I persuaded myself into believing that I could possibly help save you so I tried and I failed. I went to your old hospital room and it had been turned into bathrooms! I then forced myself into going to the bridge again to find it had been knocked and that they're building a supermarket there! The last place that I could think of was the field where you died for the second time but I showed up here before I could check" I cried, not noticing Nessa's face light up.

"You gorgeous human being!" She shouted as she jumped to her feet and began celebrating, by now I was more confused than ever.

"I don't understand" I said loudly over her cheers of joy,

"Of course you don't!" She laughed as she grabbed my hands and pulled me up to dance.

"Are you drunk?" I giggled,

"On happiness!" She shouted which made me cringe, after what felt like forever of watching Nessa dance around the room she finally sat down and pulled me into a tight hug which she only ever gave me if she was extremely excited about something.

"Ok now can you tell me why you're so crazy" I asked trying to calm her down.

"Your guilty doing just saved us!" She shouted which made my heart begin pounding faster than ever, "Everything is gonna be like it used to be!" She smiled, waiting for me to figure out the rest. Then it clicked,

"Oh My Gosh! Everything bad that's happened is slowly changing!" I copped on, "The black box realising part of your spirit like you were never part of it! The empty grave reversed your death on the highway which then made the hospital room transform as if it were never there!" I shouted excitedly! "Nessa you're coming home!" I cried and for the first time in years I spilled tears of joy.

"Not so fast!" She warned which paused my sudden burst of joy, "Your jobs not over yet" She stated, "You may have reversed my first death but it's my second death that we now have to take care of" She whispered,

"How will we do that?" I asked,

"Think about it, we used the butterfly effect to reverse the last time I died" She urged.

"So I have to do the same with the second death?" I asked, she slowly nodded. This would take a lot of extra planning because with this death I was a lot more involved. "Don't worry Nessa I'll find a way" I soothed as I quickly vanished and returned back into my car.

Let's do this!

A/N: Hey guys! Can't believe this is the 70th chapter!<3 ilygsm! I'm afraid that I'll be visiting family for the next week so I'm not sure active I'll be<3

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