The Fight!

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Why us! I thought Out of all people!


Sophie and I had been walking for days, searching high and low, I shouldn't have gotten her into this mess at all, what will I do with her when I'm fighting?, what if I don't make it? What will happen with Sophie?.

While I was brainstorming a plan I didn't notice how worn out Sophie looked,

"Hey, Soph, you ok?" I asked,

She slightly nodded her head, she looked restless,

"Sophie do you need more energy?" I asked her, "Do you need to re-charge?"

She nodded again, I gently lifted her onto my back and continued to walk, she fell asleep instantly, her head lying on my shoulder.

I was worried, I still had no proper plan on how I would take him down! He seemed much too powerful!

Sophie had been asleep for hours and my shoulders were aching, I found a small tree to lay her up against, while I sat to think, But all I could think about was Roni and how I left her so sudden!, I shouldn't have let go! I should have stayed alive!

I was distracted mid thought by Sophie slowly waking up,

"Mommy?" Sophie whispered,

This brought tears to my eyes,

"No honey, it's me Nessa" I replied calmly.

"Oh, sorry" she apologized

"Oh no sweetie don't worry about it, are you ok?" "Is your energy recharged?" I asked.

She nodded her head getting on to her feet, she smiled,

"Come on let's go!" she laughed, starting to run and jump around.

"Ok coming, but don't use up all that energy!" I replied giggling.

I took her hand and we started searching again.

Suddenly out of nowhere a massive wave of something hit us, we were blasted to the ground, I lifted my head to see Sophie looking scared and worried,

"Sophie, it's ok, we'll be ok!" I yelled over all the sound,

I took her hand and we stood up, trying to walk against the powerful wind,

"Well Hello there girls, I see you found me!" We heard a voice say sounding evil, I couldn't detect which direction the sound was coming from, but I knew it was him!

"Where are you! Don't be a coward come out and fight!" I yelled,

"Oh Vanessa, you always seem to cause so much trouble! Don't you know that is why I cut you off all communication! He replied slyly,

"Just me! You cut everyone off communication!" I Shouted.

"And Yet you still find ways to break the rules! I specifically made it clear to you that you were not allowed see Veronica or anyone else! He answered.

I got down on my knees and whispered to Sophie, "Soph, you need to go, I'll create a distraction, you need to go and hide!"

She regretfully nodded and ran off while I talked back to him!

"Why did you do this?"

"Simply for fun, because I can!" He laughed!

"Well Come Out And Fight! You Coward!" I bellowed,

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