I'm Home!

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Before I could decipher who it was the pain overtook me and everything went black.


When I awoke everything was dark and gloomy, I felt my hand laying on top of something flat and hard. My body had stopped aching, the pain was gone!

I glanced to see what I was touching. It was the black box! I tried my best to remove my hand but it felt as if I was glued to it! Like it was now part of me!

"Help!" I yelled, wait... why did I yell, no one is here!

I tried to move but I think the box wanted me to stay where I was.

I was scared. I was shivering, I was worried I would have visions of Him again!

I sat next to the box for hours, scared to concentrate too hard or I might have visions! I tried everything until there was nothing left to try.

All I had left to do was concentrate.

I gently closed my eyes and concentrated carefully on the box, then on Him and everything bad that's ever happened to me.

I felt wind gushing through my hair, wet rain drizzle on my face and soft damp grass below my knees. I slowly opened my mind amazed in what I saw.

I stood up staring around absorbing the fresh air and beautiful surroundings.

I was back! Back in my happy place, I turned around to face the sun. I loved this part of the day, It glistened over the mountains exhaling dark umber orange color to an enlightened pink sky.

I stepped backwards to sit on the grass. I looked to my left to see the box, At first I was wary but then I picked it up. It was surprisingly light! I turned it over to see a note attached to the back.

It read:

Dear Vanessa, It's been so long! I'm very sorry about all the commotion I caused and I didn't want to leave you and Veronica at such a crucial stage! But I could hear the other side, they were in trouble! When I went to go find out where the noise was coming from I came across this box. The wise man said it is only to be used once because if more than one person uses it, it could be tempered with by evil people or spirits! I really hope when you found the box you were safe and nothing bad happened to you! No one knows that I sent the box back to retrieve you, they all said it was a stupid idea and the plan would fail, but I guess we'll have to wait and see, won't we!?

Love From Sophie

Tears streamed down my face, I'm back! And Sophie's ok!

I gazed at the sunset, I was drenched from the rain, but I didn't care, I softly laughed. "I'm Back!I'm actually back!" I said to myself over and over again.

I then felt a small soft hand on mine. I slowly turned my head.

"Sophie!" I cried, I pulled her into a hug, squeezing her tight. "I got your letter! Thank You!"

"Nessa! I missed you so much! When everyone told me it was a stupid idea I knew they were wrong!" Sophie admitted.

We Pulled apart gazing at each other.

"Who's in charge?" I questioned quietly, worried it was still me.

"That's the problem around here, because you mysteriously disappeared, no one knew if you were dead or alive and you weren't here to hand the role over to someone so since you've been gone no one has been in charge. It's Crazy!" Sophie stated.

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