Missing: Three And A Half Years

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When he left I was tempted to take out my phone and text Nessa about the cute boy I just met... but then I remembered... Nessa's gone.


Linda returned from the bathroom looking as pale as a ghost,

"Linda are you ok?" I questioned worriedly,

She slowly nodded but she had an uneasy look on her face as if she'd seen something horrific!

The cute waiter returned to our table with my food! I was so starving it was ridiculous!

"Good luck with trying to eat all that" He playfully giggled.

"I'm so hungry you don't even know, I could eat a pig!!" I chuckled. Damet Veronica! Seriously! Don't tell a hot guy you could literally devour a PIG!

He laughed and walked away, I gazed dreamily at him while I stuffed french fries into my mouth, making a mess of myself.

"You know it's SO obvious!" Linda snickered distracting me from all lost thoughts,

"What is!?" I asked embarrassed,

"Give him your number!" she urged,

"ME!" I practically shouted,

"YES! You both keep dazing off into each other's eyes!" she admitted.

Was I really being that obvious? I don't know if I should give him my number... How would I give him my number!?

I hadn't realized I had chuffed down all the the nachos, fries and my massive burger in the time of creating a master plan to give this guy my number.

WAIT! I don't even know his name. I looked over at Linda who was again extremely pale staring off into the distance. I guess I had to figure this one out on my own!

I slowly approached the serving counter where mystery boy was cleaning, I hopped up on the stool trying to act casual but being me I of course had to muck things up and tumble backwards!

"Oh My God!, Are You Ok!?" The cute boy shouted, running over to me, He carefully picked me up and placed me on the countertop in a sitting position.

"Sorry, I'm really clumsy!" I clambered, feeling my face turn bright red.

"Are You Ok?"

"Yeah I'm fine thanks...?"

"Oh I'm Mason" He stammered... Once again we got lost in each other's eyes, his glistened like the stars of the night sky,

"I'm Veronica..." I stuttered... Wow, he is gorgeous!

I averted my eyes for several seconds in search for a napkin, I grabbed one from behind the counter and a pen from Mason's uniform, I quickly scribbled down my number and did the typical highschool girl movie action.

Stealthily handing him the napkin brushing our hands together and the whispering "Call Me!" into his ear and swiftly walking away!

I did it! I can't believe I actually gave him my number!

I returned back to our booth daydreaming, gazing into nothingness.

"We have to go!" Linda urged.

"Wait what!? Why?!" I asked annoyed,

"I have to bring you somewhere" she said sternly, I wasn't gonna be asked twice! Linda is the kind of person that you wouldn't want to get on your bad side!

Life after the car accidentTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang