The Return

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I wasn't bothered to find out. I just want to go home.


'Home is where Nessa is' I continually repeated in my mind. My feet were aching from the amount of walking.

I didn't bother stop, what would I do? At least while walking I could distract myself. Nessa once told me this place was beautiful, when she first came to see me.

She told me she had the power to create scenic and amazing views!

I now have the same power... but what was the point?

Milten explained how I should use it as a gift... but how could I if he wanted to kill me?!

I sighed heavily, I visualised a stream with green grass and sprouting flowers. To my surprise it appeared!

I sat on a nearby rock, dipping my toes into the cold refreshing water.

I softly closed my eyes and continued to repeat to myself. 'Home is where Nessa is'

I gradually allowed myself to cry,

Tears softly spilled from my cheeks to the ground.

I stopped abruptly when I heard a faint giggle.

I turned my head in search of the source, nobody was there.

I wasn't scared. I mean how could I be? I've been through too much to find a childish giggle scary!

Wait a minute... childish giggle... other side.

I stupidly put one and one together quickly realizing who was there.

I laughed sarcastically. "You're pathetic!" I stated,

"How so?" The child responded.

"I've always hated you kind of people, saying one thing and always meaning another." I answered,

"Huh...I guess you just don't get it!" She whispered harshly.

I was interested on what she meant. "What do you mean?" I asked, still not turning around to face her.

"Three and a half years...Alone! I had no one! I was in complete darkness! You guys left me!" She shouted.

"Wait what!?" I laughed, "You think we... left you!" I mocked.

"I didn't decide to leave on my own! It's not my fault someone planted the strange box there!" She defended.

"You think those three and a half years were fun? Sure for us it was only minutes but for all that time Nessa was gone! I never had a chance to say goodbye!" I bellowed, allowing the tears begin to fall again.

"Three years can really change a person... especially when they don't even have a hand to hold!" She interrupted.

"You don't think I've noticed your sudden change!?"

"You think it was sudden!?" She asked.

"Yes we know 'three and a half years'  but that doesn't mean you have to act like such a selfish brat!" I shrieked,

"I'm better off like th..."

"You left us Sophie!" You left Nessa to die!" I interrupted, "Do you even remember how she took you under her wing when you were all alone!" I shouted, turning to face her.

I shocked to see her... she looked different, as if she was missing part of her. Life looked as if it had been drained from her eyes.

"She was already dead!" Sophie cried.

"She was actually far from it! Nessa was Human again" I corrected.

"Well done Einstein! The only reason I got Nessa back was to convince her to make me ruler! If a human obtains the role they can hand it to anyone!" She stated.

"You make me sick!" I spat.

I stepped up and pushed past her, "I hope you get what you deserve!" I whispered angrily.

"Oh I already have" She chuckled, "I'm in charge of the other side!"

"Not for long" I replied.

(A/N: Sophie's back!😂) 

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