July 26th

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I closed my eyes not realizing how much energy I had just used, before I knew it I was out like a light.


"You have to look into it! You need to know the truth" She whispered,

"I already know what happened, I saw it with my own eyes!" I responded, tears trickling down my face every one hitting the floor with a small splash.

"July 26th 2016" she hinted.

I was confused "I don't know what that means" I cried,

She didn't reply.

"Nessa please! I don't know what that means!" I sobbed.

She still didn't respond.


I bolted upright, sweat dripping down my forehead, It took a moment to catch my breath and realize where I was.

It was just a dream! But it felt so real.

I glanced at my surroundings, from the polished lino floor to the colorless ceiling. My eyes fell on a black patterned satin dress which lay at the foot of my bed, alongside it lay a long black veil and black pumps. My eyes stung with eager salty tears.

It had been a week since I got back on my feet, I was able to leave today due to full recovery. My breathing is a little dodgy but I have portable oxygen tubes attached to my nasal area for precaution sake.

I lifted my duvet off of me and placed my bare feet on the freezing floor, I quickly wrapped Mason's Pull&Bear sweatshirt he lent to me around my cold upper body.

I wasn't prepared for today, a part of me didn't want to go but instead just run away and never stop, but I knew I had to go, as hard as it may be.

I glanced at my phone 4:08 a.m, only seven hours fifty two minutes.

I placed my feet in the hospitals provided slippers and decided to go for a walk. I grabbed the portable oxygen cylinder and wheeled it along behind me.

I quietly opened the door, I didn't want a doctor or a nurse to find me cause I was supposed to be on strict bed rest, I glanced left and right, the coast was clear! I began to stealthily make my way through the foyay without the receptionist noticing.

To be honest I didn't know where I was going... I just needed somewhere to think.

I began walking through halls and halls, everyone identical to the last. I was growing tired and gloomy. I could hear a faint cry, several actually so I started approaching the source.

I came across a baby ward, the walls were all painted bright pastel colors and there were stork stickers spread around the room. I walked towards a large glass window to see half a dozen babies either crying or sleeping. They were all so tiny.

I smiled softly, there was a nurse on duty looking after the babies and when she saw me she waved gently.

I continued overlooking the beautiful newborns until the nurse approached me.

"Hello ma'am are you alright?" She asked,

I nodded "They're so beautiful" I whispered,

"Is one of them yours?" She questioned.

I looked at her and burst out laughing, "Me?"

"Sorry I must have been mistaken" She apologised looking dead serious,

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