Solitary Confinement

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"Not for long" I replied.


'Home is where Nessa is' I repeated again in my mind over and over again.

But I can't be with her.

I sighed and continued walking through nowhere.

I honestly didn't have a clue how to go home but I knew I had to find a way and fast!

If I was seriously gonna attempt what I'm about to do next I have to leave.

I closed my eyes and imagined home, as I slowly fluttered my eyes open I found myself still standing in the middle of nowhere.

I thought about my escape and how I should do it... I've never been in this situation, nor has anyone... Ever!

I sat down, 'Maybe I should just give up!' I wondered.

I softly shut my eyes allowing sweet memories to carosell around my mind.

I smiled remembering my long yet short life with Nessa, all our made up games and stories, our videos and our fans. I allowed several tears escape before telling myself she was gone and that was that. I just have to deal with it.

I thought of Mason, how I barely know him but I know he means something. How he held me after Nessa passed. His soft lips crashing into mine, the smell of his after shave lingered up my nose.

I smiled... At least I know someone cares about me.

I gently opened my eyes, finding myself seated upright on the uncomfortable mattress in my jail cell.

It Worked!

I'm somewhat home... If that's what you wanna call it.

I could hear distant conversations, aggressive ones.

"Well Find Her! Contact The Local News Station And Tell Them To Notify Everyone We Have An Escaped Prisoner!" An angry woman ordered to most likely a fellow officer.

"Look back on the footage again! She didn't leave! She wouldn't do that!" I heard a familiar voice defend, It was Mason.

"I don't know how it's possible but she must have escaped somehow!" She replied angrily.

I wondered who they were talking about... Wait! do they think I escaped!? Was I physically gone? Or mentally gone when I was in the other side?

"Um... Hello Officer... Ma'am? Who escaped?" I called,

The woman guard ran over to my cell looking stricken back.

"How did you do that!?" She questioned,

"Do what?" I replied.

"Don't you play fool with me Miss Merrell! How did you escape and come back in without us catching you!?" She bellowed.

"I...I never left" I answered,

I could hear Mason snickering in the background which caused me to burst out laughing. This woman had anger issues!

"That's it!" She broke "You're going to solitary confinement!"

My face dropped... "Wha?" I whispered,

"Solitary confinement! Do I have to repeat myself for a third time? That is no way to act to a police officer!" She shouted.

"Please Ma'am I didn't do anything! Check the footage!" I begged,

"I did! I didn't see you in it!"

"Check again!?" I asked, on my knees.

"As a prisoner you will not tell the guard what to do!" She stated.

"Ma'am don't do this to her, she's already been through enough tonight!" Mason defended from the lobby,

"I repeat don't tell me how to do my job!" She shouted, grabbing her keys and opening my cell. She grasped onto my arm keeping a firm and painful grip. She dragged me down the hall and through several corridors and down a staircase.

We came to a alt at the top of a long dark hallway. She switched on the lights causing few of the occupied inmates to groan.

There were doors spread evenly down each wall, each one had a window box only openable from the outside the size of phone on them.

She pulled me down to the end of the corridor and shoved me into a cold empty cell. I let tears slip as I hit the floor.

"I hope this gives you time to think!" She said calmly before slamming the door shut and bolting it tight.

I quickly ran to the door banging on it yelling for her to let me out... it was no use. I heard several of inmates telling me to shut up, so I did.

I curled into a small ball in the corner of the pitch black room cradling my pain stricken arm, softly crying to myself.

When would this all be over!? When would I be able to live a normal life!?

(A/N: Please vote and tell me what you think, sorry I haven't updated in a while<3)

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