Play Button

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Bring Nessa back!


I wasn't sad or anything, I mean I did just break up with Mason but it just feels like he wasn't the one anyways so I went on with my day. I got freshened up and dressed and heard a knock on my door, "Hey Max" I lead him into my house.

"Hey Veronica I just hit a million" he cried pulling me in for a hug,


"I'm having a celebratory lunch later on a boat if you'd like to come, you really helped my channel and I want to thank you" he explained,

"Of course, I'd be happy to" I laughed,

"Oh and you can bring your boyfriend if you'd like" he offered kindly.

"That won't be necessary... I'm currently as single a Pringle" I tried to say as normal as possible in case he thought I was upset about it or something, he looked at me for a second and realised I was the one to break it up and then he smiled and congratulated me and reminded me about dinner. He left and left me with a smile on my face, if all this goes away when Nessa comes back I know I won't be upset, what I'm living is glorious! I wanna go back to social media but not YouTube, that was just for Nessa and I, so I decided to start from scratch and delete my @VeronicaMerrell Instagram and create a new one with the same @, I won't do any self promos nor allow them. My account with almost 14M followers was now gone for good and here I was with 0 and, I wasn't getting rid of the account because of Nessa, I got rid of it cause I wanted... needed a fresh start. First I wrote my bio: Hey it's Roni! Needed a new start so stated over with this insta thing<3

I switched off my phone and began to get ready for Max's party, I wanted to get a gift as well so after I got ready I had to brainstorm, I thought for a long time until I had an idea! I read recently that YouTube no longer make cute quirky memorabilia for Youtubers like pillows, books, play buttons and stuff like that. I had 3 hours to try and get Max a gift and I wanted it to be ligit. So I made a call and it went further than successful. I was to pick up the items at 2:45 at the YouTube Space in the centre of L.A. To fill in the time I cleaned until there was nothing left to clean so I just sat on the couch for a while. I just sat, I didn't think, I had something to do today! It and so exciting! I had been invited to a party, I never have something fun to do so even if this party was 20 seconds long it would still mean the world to me, which if you think about it I'd kinda sad but I'm not very popular to be living in L.A.

The time came where I was to drive to the YouTube Space and collect my present! I arrived and they handed me two wrapped presents in YouTube wrapping paper, was extremely hard to carry to my car but I eventually made it. I thanked them and they handed me a card before I left, I opened it and it read;

Dear Veronica Merrell,

We are deeply sorry about your loss, at the time of the incident we took down each and every video about it in honour. We thank you for being part of the YouTube family and even if you don't return you still deserve something, we don't create play buttons except for exceptions which include you. In the next few weeks you are due to receive your diamond play button and another special something and if you ever want to return we have our arms wide open,

Lots of love,

The YouTube Headquarters.

I wanted to tear up after reading the letter, YouTube really was a giant family day the creators were truly one of a kind but before I could get all sentimental I had to go to Max's party.

I arrived being the first person there, he said 3 o'clock and I was late, was it a thing to be late again? Cause I didn't get the heads up, I saw Max stroll up to me with his hands in his pocket. "Hey" he said,

"Hi" I smiled... "so...where is everyone?" I asked awkwardly,

"Oh it's kinda apparently 'cool' to be late so everyone should begin to arrive in the next 20 minutes" he explained, I knew it! "Come on I'll show you a tour of the boat" he laughed,

"Wait Max I want to give you your present first! And before you said no I had a lot of help with it from a certain place and it's kinda customised so you can't get rid of it" I giggled, "but you're gonna have to open it here cause it's really heavy... well one is" I smiled excitedly.

He looked at me weird but when I opened the boot his face lit up, "No!" He gently opened the smaller one first to reveal two pillows, a red play button and a subscribe one, I watched as the smile widened as he tore open the big one, his mouth dropped as he saw the golden 1 million play button with his YouTube channel name Max Coleman underneath. It looked like he was gonna cry, "they discontinued all of this stuff, especially the play button" he whispered,

"Well I've been in the business since I was about 16 so YouTube and I are quite close" I laughed. Before I knew it Max pulled me in for a hug, I hugged him back but we quickly separated as we heard a few clicks of a camera,we spun around to see a bunch of people holding g cameras,



"ARE YOU TWO A THING!?" They all began shouting, Max grabbed my hand and shut my hoot and locked my car and made our way over to the boat. It looked even worse, we were walking into a massive boat alone, it definitely didn't look like a party. Had youtubers gotten so big that paparazzi followed them now!?

"You have paparazzi!?"

"Veronica I'm so so sorry! I thought I'd lost them but obviously not" he panted, still holding my hand, mine was limp but he had a firm grip on it. He pulled me into the boats downstairs where we watched some fish underneath us from the glass floor and at long long last people began arriving an hour and a half late! Max left to greet them and party with them upstairs while I stayed an introvert on my own, I was tired and all I wanted was to socialize because I haven't done it in so long but my eyelids grew heavier and heavier until the moment came where I was passed out on his couch. I didn't dream of much other than knowing I was missing the party but I was too tired to bother waking up.

(Hey Guys! Thank you so much for reading and sorry it took so long t update I was in a massive writers block XD<3)

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