A Wish

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Then reality shot back and I was back on the dusty rocky ground in the middle of nowhere!


It was beautiful! They were beautiful.

I gazed upon the glistening stars, their glow illuminating the world. I lay on the due ridden grass in search for a miracle. A shooting star raced past in the distance, I softly closed my eyes and whispered my desired wish.

I then felt a soft gentle hand in mine, I glanced to my side,

"You came" I whispered.

"I wouldn't miss this for the world" she replied.

We both lay hand in hand gazing into the nights sky. Watching comets fall in all directions, shooting stars.

"Make a wish" she said quietly

"Mine already came true" I answered squeezing her hand hoping this moment would last forever.

"Any minute now.." she assured,

Then it struck me, "Wait... What's any minute now?" I asked worriedly, sitting up abruptly.

I glanced into her eyes seeing a shred of hope yet it drowned in sorrow.

"Nessa what's wrong?" I questioned.

She didn't answer,

"Nessa! What's Wrong!" I shouted, as tears poured down both mine and Nessa's cheeks.

"I'm sorry" she sobbed.

"Nessa! No! Don't do this to me again!" I cried.

But it was too late. She was gone...again.

(A/N: Hey guys hope you like this small fragment of a long chapter! I will try upload the rest through the week. Please tell me what you think!)

Quick reminder this is only part of a chapter

Life after the car accidentOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora