The sun slowly appeared over the large blue ocean as a large aircraft began to prepare for landing on the Melemele island. As the aircraft lowered towards the ground, a young, energetic boy had just woken up from the nine hour flight.Gary sat up from his plane seat and rubbed his eyes so his vision was clear enough for him. The plane was very spacious as every plane passenger had enough room to extend their seats and could use it as a bed.
Gary's POV-
I guess we're landing... Man! Did I sleep good alright! How about you Umb-... Oh! How could I forget! I left Umbreon with Ash... I'll make sure to video call Ash when I get to the nearest Pokemon center, but what if something has happened or will happen when I'm away?...
As Gary stood up from his plane seat a loud voice could be heard coming from the speakers that were hanging on either sides of the plane.
Speaker: We will be landing in approximately five minutes! So please make sure you collect all your belongings and form a single file line in front of the exit. Thank you!
Gary: Looks like we're finally landing in Alola... This is going to be fun trying to look for the Pokemon center....
Gary sighed as he collected all his belongings and made his way over to the exit which already had an line forming, but an elderly man on the opposite side of the plane was very intrigued in Gary,
Speaker: Please hold on to the handles right beside you on the chairs or the walls of the plane as we will be landing in a few seconds!
Everyone, but Gary held onto the nearest handles they could find, but Gary was too busy day dreaming to listen to the speaker. So as the landing gear stretched out and made contact against the ground the plane began to shake as it landed on the runway, but of course Gary didn't listen to the announcement,so as the plane made contact with the runway Gary instantly fell over without warning. Other passengers just looked at Gary with confused and worried faces, but one the plane door opened everyone but Gary the elderly man got off the plane.
Gary: So much for being kind and lending me hand! Jerks!.....
Gary sat up only to have an old wrinkly hand shoved in his face.
Gary: Huh? What?...
With an confused look on his face, Gary looked up to see where the old hand was coming from only to become face to face with an old man who had a large smile across his face.
Elderly man: Here, take my hand, I'll help you up!
Gary accepted the old mans offer and was pulled up, but once he had a better look at the man he felt like he recognized him.
Gary: T-thank you I guess?...
Elderly man: You don't have to thank me! I'm always happy to help!
Gary took one more concentrated look at the elderly man, the old man dark toned skin with long grayish hair. He wore a green tropical shirt along with grey shorts, but that's when it hit him.
Elderly man: Why don't we talk outside the plane? It's kinda stuffy in here..
Gary: Oh... Errm...., Sure!
Gary sweat dropped as the old man helped the young boy pick his luggage up, the two walked out of the plane and down the steps leading to the ground belonging to the runway.
Gary: I almost forgot! Do you know where the nearest Pokemon center is?
Elderly man: How am I suppose to know? I was on the plane too you know..

Pokemon School (Amourshipping Story)
FanfictionImagine returning home from an exciting journey in a far away region to discover you'll be moving! Stepping foot back into Pallet Town, Ash Ketchum a sixteen year old Pokemon Trainer and his long time buddy Pikachu notice a truck outside their hous...