January 10th 2017 ~
Alola Region ~
Pokemon School has finally landed in the new year of 2017! Ash's journey will take many tight corners and unexpected turns as he strives towards becoming the strongest Pokemon Trainer in the world while also trying to survive his time in school.
Talking about school, today was the first day of school in the new year after a relaxing Christmas holiday. However, instead of snoozing wrapped up in his sheets and quilts on his sofa bed, Ash was currently jogging multiple laps around the Melemele Island beach with Marko accompanying him.
During the holidays Ash had been encouraged by Leafa to strengthen his bond with Marko because they returned to their own time period, so after multiple attempts Leafa managed to penetrate the Kantonian's reject shield resulting in Ash joining Marko on early morning jogs.
Gradually slowing behind Marko, Ash fell behind panting in exhaustion after spending most of the morning jogging around the sandy environment underneath the warm morning sun.
Marko: Come on Ash! You're not going to last longer in jogging when you're giving up so easily!
Ash: Not....Giving up! Retiring.
Scraping the words from his dry throat the Kantonian only managed to spit what he wanted to say due to extreme exhaustion taking over.
Marko: You have a lot of training ahead of you ya know.
Ash: What?!
Marko: If you want to become healthier you must be able to demonstrate high fitness.
Ash: But how is your body managing to last this long?
With his sweaty hands firmly gripped above his knees, Ash looked up shocked to see Marko breathing perfectly fine not even a sweat had broke out.
Marko: Before I ended up here I spent my mornings training with Greninja every day for a few hours.
Ash: And you didn't take any breaks whatsoever?
Marko: Of course not! Breaks are for the weak minded ones! Hence why I'm out here trying to bring the best of your abilities out.
Ash: Wow thank you Marko, I appreciate it that you called me a weak minded person...
Marko: Oho... Erm sorry about that.
Ash: Nothing to worry about I guess, but I should be heading back home to have a shower before heading off to school.
Marko: Okay, have fun with your education and I'll catch you later.
Leaving Marko alone on the sandy lands of Alola, Ash began making is way back to Kukui's place in order to get ready for school while his ancestor stood sweat dropping to his accidental insult.
Upon arriving home Ash immediately jumped into the warm shower relieving him of his tight muscles and sweat after a hard workout along the Melemele Island shore. After finishing in the shower and sliding his clothes on he woke Pikachu up notifying his partner that it was time for school.
As much as the electric mouse hated being woken up Ash wasn't have none of it, so he gently use his hands like a forklift on Pikachu and carefully placed the Electric-type Pokemon inside of his bag.
Once everything was packed and checked Ash set off to school after locking the front door since neither Professor Kukui or Burnet were at home which seemed strange to Ash at first, but he thought nothing of it and proceeded with his responsibility of attending his classes on time.

Pokemon School (Amourshipping Story)
FanfictionImagine returning home from an exciting journey in a far away region to discover you'll be moving! Stepping foot back into Pallet Town, Ash Ketchum a sixteen year old Pokemon Trainer and his long time buddy Pikachu notice a truck outside their hous...