February 1st 2017 ~
Ash: So Lana likes to play defensively, so we'll have to go in with greater force. Rowlet, swoop in and use Tackle!
Lana: Stand your ground Popplio. Allow your opponent to approach you.
As Popplio struck a strong pose, Rowlet used his powerful talons to push off the ground allowing him to gain even more speed. Gliding through the air, Rowlet angled himself in the direction where Popplio currently took a stand.
Ash: Now!
In a blink of an eye, Rowlet flew in a backwards circle gifting him more momentum as he swan dived towards Popplio. With her beady eyes, Lana stayed sharp and waited for the right moment. It was now a short distance between the two Pokemon, so Lana held her right hand out demanding Popplio used its bubbles again.
Ash: Not this time! Pop the bubbles with Peck!
Lana: Huh!
Poking long and thin from Rowlet's face, a bright pointy beak pierced through every bubble Popplio fired gifting Ash a perfect chance to abuse the opening left open.
Ash: We've got an opening.... Take it and use Leafage!
Unleashing a loud cry, Rowlet whipped up a tornado of vicious leaves firing them straight towards Popplio which resulted in a super-effective move. Large damage was dealt to Popplio as it struggled to get back up demonstrating that Ash and Rowlet acted quickly to immobilise Lana's defensive strategies.
Lana: I'm going to be honest, you sure caught me off guard with how you switched from Tackle to Peck so fast. You were able to destroy our bubble barrier and create an opening allowing you to finish your strategy with a super-effective move.
Ash: If I want to beat my opponents I have to know them and quickly learn from them too. Otherwise, you stand no chance if you don't understand them.
Lana: Impressive, but this battle is far from over!
Ash: That's something we can settle on.... Rowlet, Tackle!
Lana: Time to change our plan. Charge in with Pound!
Rowlet and Popplio collided once again with their physical attacks forcing either challenger to retreat. Knowing if he wins this battle he will pass his second trial, but lose it. Ash would have to start over from the beginning and it would back to swimming races. The more he thought about it the more he was determined to win, so as a confident smirk smudged across the lower region of his face Ash tightened his fists showing he was ready to fight for victory and progress within his Alola journey.
Ash: Playtime is over, Rowlet! We're going to win this!
Lana: I admire your enthusiasm, Ash! But I won't let you win so easily!
Ash: Wouldn't want it any other way!
Lana: I'm glad we're on the same page.... Popplio, use Attract!
Wasting no time, Popplio stood up on its tail and winked at Rowlet releasing a small heart of pure affection which floated its way.
Ash: Don't let the heart touch you!... Repel with Energy Ball!
Before Attract could make contact, Rowlet held his two wings together quickly creating an orb of green energy. Once it was fully ready, Rowlet fired his Energy Ball attack causing a heart break. However, Energy Ball continued to travel after demolishing Attract and smashed into Popplio forcing the Water-type to the floor.
Lana: Oh no, Popplio! I thought using Attract would give us the upper advantage.
Ash: That must mean Popplio is a girl!

Pokemon School (Amourshipping Story)
FanfictionImagine returning home from an exciting journey in a far away region to discover you'll be moving! Stepping foot back into Pallet Town, Ash Ketchum a sixteen year old Pokemon Trainer and his long time buddy Pikachu notice a truck outside their hous...