January 14th 2017 ~
It was finally battle day, Ash would be taking on his first ever Trial in Alola and if he becomes successful he will be granted the chance to take on Melemele island's Kahuna Hala, also known as his grandpa. The Kantonian would also be receiving a Normalium Z-Crystal for his valiant efforts if he was to become victorious.
Hala: Are you ready for your first trial today, Ash?
Ash: Sure am! I've been training all week with Marko and Kiawe. I've even learned more about Z-Crystals and Z-Moves with a little help from Olivia of course.
Hala: Oh? The Kahuna of Akala Island. You've been busy getting a few tips and receiving lessons from her.
Ash: Well, I wanted to prepare for my Trial as much as I could.
Pikachu: Pika!
Hala: You won't be waiting much longer now. We're almost at the location.
Ash and Hala were currently reaching deeper into the Verdant Cave where the Trial on Melemele Island always took place. This very special event must always be monitored by the Island Kahuna since most trainers who wish to take on the Alola Trials start on Melemele island. From there, Hala will assess and direct them onto the right path.
Upon walking underneath a large stone arch which was smothered in green thick moss, Ash found himself standing before an enormous open area fitted with multiple holes. They were fairly big, but the Kantonian was far more interested in what his first trial would contain.
Ash: What will be my first Trial, Hala?
Hala: I've cooked up something a little different to an ordinary Trial. Usually I would have the challenger take on two strong Pokemon. If the challenger manages to surpass these two Pokemon he or she will be eligible to battle the Totem Pokemon.
Ash: Totem Pokemon?!
Hala: A Totem Pokemon are much stronger than any normal Pokemon you can find in the wild. In comparison they are much bigger in size when compared to their own species, but the main factor of these magnificent Pokemon is that they are extremely strong since a strange aura surrounds the Totem. The strange orange aura can increase either the Pokemon's Attack, Defence, Special Attack, Special Defence or Speed, depending on what species of Pokemon you're facing.
Ash: They sound like tough opponents!
Pikachu: Pika! (I am not fighting one of those guys... Y'all think I'm crazy.)
Hala: They sure are, but I've seen what you're capable of. Even Hau has told me about your previous battles, so instead of you taking on the Totem Pokemon, I want you to take on a close friend of mine, Ilima.
Ash: Ilima?
Ilima: That's me!
Ash swiftly turned around to discover a tall male figure in white sneakers, pants and undershirt which was covered in a brown sweatshirt. Ilima's pink hair was pushed back like waves and his pure grey eyes focused on Ash as he walled towards the Kantonian.
Ilima: On behalf of Hala's wishes I'll be your opponent for the Trial if you don't mind.
Ash: Not at all! Its been awhile since I've had an official battle!
Hala: Sounds like we have a battle evaporating! Lets get you two set and ready, so we can start the trial!
Ash and Ilima separated creating a large area of space between them. It was big enough for a temporary battlefield, so Ash waited to discover what Pokemon Llima would choose for this battle.

Pokemon School (Amourshipping Story)
FanfictionImagine returning home from an exciting journey in a far away region to discover you'll be moving! Stepping foot back into Pallet Town, Ash Ketchum a sixteen year old Pokemon Trainer and his long time buddy Pikachu notice a truck outside their hous...