The time for the Sycamore High tournament final is here! Gary against Calem in a full on six against six Pokemon battle! Who will come out on top and win it all?!...
Commentator: Morning to all you Pokemon fans! Girls and boys! Men and women at all ages! This final sure will fix your hunger for battles as a six on six Pokemon battle is about to begin!
The whole stadium erupted in noise as Gary and Calem waited in their own dugouts for their names to be called out.
Sitting at the sidelines Serena comfortably sat next to with Pikachu sitting on her lap, but Ash was too busy eating a hot dog while keeping his eyes on the battlefield even though the battle hasn't even started.
Serena: Ash?....You never told me how you're battle went Saturday.
Ash: Huh?..
Ash shoved the rest of the hot dog into his mouth and swallowed it in whole as he looked over at Serena who seemed to be quite curious about his gym battle against Grant.
Serena: Your gym battle? Against Grant. How did it go?
Pikachu: Pika....
Ash: Oh! My gym battle?...It went great!
Ash quickly dug into his bag that was sat right in front of him and pulled out his badge case which had the Bug badge that Viola had given him and the newly received Cliff badge that Ash was rewarded with after beating Grant.
Serena instantly saw the new badge in Ash's badge case and quickly snatched the case out of Ash's hand leaving the Kantonian in shock.
Serena: You won and got your second gym badge?!
Ash: Right! Thanks to Pikachu. Froakie and Fletchling's hard work we managed to beat Grant's Pokemon!
Serena: Ash?! I'm so proud of you!
Serena wrapped her arms around Ash's left arm as it was the closest arm to her and clinged tightly onto his arm.
Ash: Oh...T-thanks Serena!
Pikachu: Pika!
Serena let go of Ash's arm and replied with a great big smile on her face as she was so proud of Ash for winning his second gym badge. Hau and the others, but Lillie soon caught on as they heard Serena shouting in excitement, she could even be heard over the noise coming from all the spectators in the stadium.
Hau: What's with all the shouting Serena?
Mallow: I can hear you over all the other noises around us.
Serena quickly held up Ash's badge case and showed everyone the new badge that sat in the case alongside the Bug badge. Hau, Trevor and Tierno all stared at the Cliff badge as the shiny object sparkled in the sun.
Hau: I totally forgot all about your gym battle Ash!...Sorry!
Ash: You don't have to apologise Hau! I'm sure you was was busy all weekend just like I was travelling to Cyllage city with Pikachu and Shot- I-I... mean with Pikachu!...
Ash sweatdropped as Serena seemed to catch on to what Ash had just said, so she squinted her eyes like she was focusing on Ash making the Kantonian sweat in panic.
Serena: Did you say something else after you said Pik-
Before Serena could finish her sentence, Ash placed his left hand over her mouth to prevent her from asking questions.
Ash: Don't listen to Serena!...I'm sure she's just hearing things!
Pikachu: Pika!
Hau: Right...

Pokemon School (Amourshipping Story)
FanfictionImagine returning home from an exciting journey in a far away region to discover you'll be moving! Stepping foot back into Pallet Town, Ash Ketchum a sixteen year old Pokemon Trainer and his long time buddy Pikachu notice a truck outside their hous...