December 19th 2016
Leafa: Greninja, use Cut on those vines and bushes would you please.
The frog like Pokemon nodded in agreement, then proceeded to chop down on the wildly growing plants as Ash and Leafa tried to find Lillie, Mallow and Kiawe who had wondered off to find water in order to put out the forest fire caused by a Fire-type Z-Move. However, with the help of Greninja, Pikachu put a stop to the fire.
Ash: Kiawe and the two girls ventured further into the woods to find water for the fire. Not so long before you showed up.
Leafa: Pretty unfortunate I couldn't get here in time, but I'm sure we'll find them.
Ash: No doubt! Anyway... Back to your search for Marko. Maybe planning a visit to Hau'oli City wouldn't be too bad of an idea since its bursting to life with civilisation!
Leafa: That's what I'm scared off...
Ash: Civilisation? But why?
Looking up at Greninja and Pikachu as the two Pokemon created a clear path with the power of Cut and Iron Tail, Leafa grew more worried since Greninja was known as a 'Shiny' Pokemon in Ash's time period which were pretty rare nowadays.
Leafa: You see... Greninja's skin should normally be blue, but its black. I already know that people or Pokemon Trainers call them shiny Pokemon which are very rare.
Ash: Hm, now I understand. You don't want to explore large places in front of waves of adults and children just in case Greninja's rarity attracted population.
Leafa: Then the word will be out that a special Greninja is nearby alerting all Pokemon Hunters to hunt and capture Marko's precious companion.
Ash: I won't let that happen, no way! After all, you need to get back home and you're not going with out either Marko or Greninja.
Leafa: I'm glad someone understands.
Pikachu: Pika!
Ash: Okay Pikachu! The two of you did a great job!... After you Leafa.
Leafa: Thank you!
Continuing on with their search, Ash and Leafa along with Greninja and Pikachu venture deeper and deeper into the thick dark forest only to discover a small river linked to a mini waterfall not too far up stream.
Leafa: Do you think this could be where your friends were at one point?
Ash: They must of been. This is probably the closest water source for miles.
Pikachu: Pika! (Over here!)
Ash: What is it Pikachu?
Pikachu: Pika pi! ( You're an idiot... I'm clearly waving my arms to show you something!)
The electric mouse crazily waved his short yellow arms in the direction of a small object laying near the edge of the river. Intrigued by his partner's discovery, Ash rushed over to the location. Slowly getting closer, he could put together in his mind that the object was a white water bottle, but the lid was further up the river bank confusing the Kantonian to why a random water bottle would be stranded in the middle of Hau'oli forest.
Leafa: What did you find Ash? Anything that we can use as a clue?
Ash: Pikachu found... A water bottle. I've never seen it before, but maybe it belonged to Mallow or Lillie.
Leafa: Perhaps they were filling the bottle up with water to use on the fire.
Ash: That sounds like the most likely theory, but that doesn't explain why its laying at the side of the river.

Pokemon School (Amourshipping Story)
FanfictionImagine returning home from an exciting journey in a far away region to discover you'll be moving! Stepping foot back into Pallet Town, Ash Ketchum a sixteen year old Pokemon Trainer and his long time buddy Pikachu notice a truck outside their hous...