Marko: Leafa?!
Leafa: Marko! I'm so happy you're okay!
A burst of happiness exploded inside of Leafa as she ran over to Marko and hugged him. She rested her head against his chest and smiled knowing Marko was safe, but as much as Marko was happy to see her, he was still confused about how she ended up in the room he just woke up in and the whereabouts of Greninja and Leafeon.
Marko: Are you okay... You're shaking?
Leafa: I could be better, but Leafeon...
Marko: What about her?!
Leafa pushed herself away from Marko and sat down on the bed. She placed her shaking hands onto her knees and stared at the floor in disbelief.
Marko: Leafa?...
Leafa: L-Leafeon... Was captured yesterday by a group of men..
Marko: Nagatomo...It must of been Nagatomo's men.
She looked over at Marko with a worried look in her eyes. He looked back, stunned by how bright Leafa's emerald green eyes were, but he could see how scared Leafa actually was, so he sat down next to her on the bed and began to comfort her.
Leafa: Nagatomo... How do you know it was his men who took Leafeon?
Marko: Well....I only woke up earlier and I couldn't find anyone in the house, so I opened the front door to see Nagatomo and his men standing in the centre of the village giving some form of speech to the villagers.
Leafa: So he doesn't know you're here?
Marko: Mhm... I think it's best that he doesn't find out for the mean time, but how did I not see you when I woke up?
Leafa looked over at the window and Marko instantly realized that the window was open further than earlier when he looked at the window when he woke up.
Leafa: I climbed through the window...
Marko: Why didn't you just use the front door?
Leafa: The man you call Nagatomo and all his men have been capturing all the women, children and Pokemon.
Marko: What about the men?
Leafa: He wants them to join his army so he sends them to the main hall of this village where they force the men to join his brutal forces.
Marko: I see.... Wait! Where's Greninja?
Leafa: That's the problem... I don't know if you remember since you collapsed, but the day you went unconscious was the same day Greninja took off. He began to act strangely when he sliced through the mans sword. He watched me look after you for a few hours then took off. He still hasn't returned.
Marko: Hmm.. He left for a reason.
Leafa: How would you know? You were lying on the floor unconscious.
Marko: Because Greninja wouldn't run off and leave us like that...
Leafa could easily tell how serious Marko was being with the look on his face he seemed pretty confident that Greninja left for a certain reason.
Leafa: Do you have an idea where he could of gone?
Marko: Most likely the cave we stayed in for the past year, but there's reason for us to look for him.
Leafa: How come? We won't be able to beat Nagatomo, free all the Pokemon, women and children without him.
Marko: That's not entirely true.

Pokemon School (Amourshipping Story)
FanfictionImagine returning home from an exciting journey in a far away region to discover you'll be moving! Stepping foot back into Pallet Town, Ash Ketchum a sixteen year old Pokemon Trainer and his long time buddy Pikachu notice a truck outside their hous...