Chapter 5

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It's been 2 months since you first met Dan. You haven't seen each other irl since you bumped into him on the way to the train station, but you Skype almost every night. You've become really good friends.

Ally's girlfriend, Rachel, is visiting from London. You've got two weeks off from university as study leave, returning on the 10th of November. You've got exams coming up a week after that.

You're lying on your bed texting Dan.

So, cupcake, when are you coming to London?

Dan has gotten into the habit of calling you cupcake.

Idk. Not soon though.

But don't you have some time off?

Yeah. To study.

You can study in London. It can help you loosen off, also, you'll get to see me!


Cmon. How many times do I have to ask before you agree?

Let's try one more.

Okay. Cupcake, will you come to London this week?

Wow, this is so out of the blue. I guess my answer is....



You finish packing your suitcase and are now waiting for the taxi to take you to the train station. You can't be bothered lugging all your stuff around.

Ally and Rachel sit on the couch across from you. Rachel is lying down, her head resting on Ally's lap.

"So, where are you going?" Rachel asks.


"W-I want to go to London!" Rachel looks up at Ally.

"You live in London." Ally giggles.

"But... I want to enjoy it with you." Rachel caresses Ally's cheek.

"We can go to London next time I have time off." Ally says.

"Yay!" Rachel pecks Ally's cheek.


You wave goodbye to Ally and Rachel and embark on your journey to London.


You clamber off the train and wave through the crowds to the entrance to the station, that's where Dan said he'll meet you.

There's no sign of him. You pull out your phone to text him when two arms wrap around you and lift you off the ground. You let out a small screech before turning to find Dan placing you back on the ground.
He pulls you into a warm hug that lasts for a few minutes.

You finally pull away, trying to get rid of the enormous idiotic grin on your face.

"There's a smile I haven't seen in two months." Dan pokes your chubby cheeks.

"Come on, Howell. I'm hungry." You and Dan walk down the street to catch a taxi.

You arrive at Dan's flat in no time.
You and Dan are setting up the sofa bed when Dan's roommate, Phil, enters the room.

"Hi guys." He leans against the doorframe.

"Stop trying to be cool, Phil." Dan laughs.

"I am cool!" Phil argues.


"Y/N, you think I'm cool, don't you?"

"Like ice." You giggle.

"See, even your girlfriend thinks I'm cool!"

You and Dan stare at Phil.

"Okay, I know you're not dating!...... Stop looking at me like that!"

You and Dan begin to laugh, soon joined by Phil.

"Can you help us set this up? Y/N's gotten trapped in it twice in the last five minutes." Dan laughs.

"Only if you admit that I'm cool!"

"Okay, fine! Phil, you're very cool." Dan says sarcastically.

"Thank you." Phil proceeds to help you and Dan set up the sofa bed.


You and Dan are watching anime when Dan's phone buzzes.

"Shit." He mutters.

"What?" You ask concerned.

"I was meant to upload a video. I haven't even filmed it yet."

"When have you ever uploaded according to schedule?"

"Shut up, cupcake. I'm going to go film, will you be okay alone?"

"Yes. What sort of idiot do you think I am, mr Howell?" As you say that, you stand up on the sofa, then slip off the edge. Dan stands over you with his hands on his hips.

"Okay, maybe you have a point." You admit.

"Of course I do." Dan laughs then goes off to film.

You head up to the office to study.

You have to write an essay about Macbeth/hamlet for English as well as revising over the history of literature.
For music, you have to write an entire song, record and edit it as well as studying the eras of music throughout history.

You pull out your laptop and start on the essay.

"Hello Internet!" You hear Dan begin making his video. You laugh way too loud, slapping your hand over your mouth after doing so.

You proceed to write your essay while listening to Dan's charming voice.
Like music to your ears.

Hi what woah.
Wow, this story is not good.
Especially compared to my other story (self promo!)

I'm so sorry for inflicting my bad writing upon the world.

Bye lads.

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