Chapter 13

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(Unlucky number m8s)

You're talking on the phone with Ally as you do your makeup.

"How's London?" She asks.

"Good. I've got a major hangover though."

"You went to a party? How did someone convince you? Who is this miracle worker! Who's party was this?"

"Well, you see, don't freak out, first of all, I met Tyler Oakley-"


"Yeah, I did. We're friends. He invited Dan, Phil and I to someone's party..."

"Who's party? Who was there?"

"Please don't scream again. It was Joe Sugg's party. So many people were there, I was the only person who isn't a youtuber. Dan and Phil had to carry me in."

"I'm so jealous right now! Was Zoe there?"



You laugh. You know that Ally really likes Zoella, even though Zoe's straight.

"SHES SO PRETTY!" Ally squeals.

"Scuse me?" You hear Rachel say in the background.

"You know you're gorgeous Rachel." Ally says.

"Anyway, did anything happen at the party?"

"I had a lot to drink. I got really, really, really close to sleeping with someone, but I don't remember who..."


"I don't know. But I know that Zoe, Tyler and Phil know. The walls aren't as thick as they thought they were. I'm also guessing Louise and Alfie know as well. I find it weird how Tyler and Phil know though, considering they both got drunk."

"Hmm... Probably not as drunk as you. I still think it's Dan."

"But... He woke up on the couch. I woke up in Joe's bed."

"Maybe he was moved?"

"I don't know. I'm going to try and ask Phil though, well, if he stops sulking and ignoring everyone."

"He's ignoring everyone?"

"Yeah. Dan knows he's keeping something from him, and I think it's what happened. Zoe and Tyler didn't want me or Dan to know. They think I don't remember anything."

"You've got one minute!" Dan shouts from his room.

"Shit." You mutter, fumbling around for your mascara.

"Huh?" Ally says.

"I've got one minute to get ready or I'm paying for Dan and I's dinner." You say, applying the mascara as fast as possible. You then grab lip gloss and smear it on quickly.

"I've got to go. I'll talk to you when I get back. Bye."

"Bye Y/N." You hang up the phone and sprint down the hall, tripping over and falling face first on the floor.

"All that and you're still a minute late." Dan laughs, holding out his hand to help you up.

"I hate you." You say.

"You love me." Dan smiles.

You feel a bit of red begin to tint your cheeks.

"Can we go somewhere cheap?" You ask as you and Dan walk down the stairs of the building.


"Dan. I'm a broke ass uni student who hates their job and couldn't even pay for their train ticket down to London."

Don't Leave (danisnotonfire x reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt