Chapter 50

306 21 25

10th Of February

You finish packing your suitcase and sigh.
"I don't know if I can go back." You tell Dan.

"You have to, Y/N. Do you want to get kicked out of the university?" Dan lies on the bed, resting his legs on the wall as he scrolls through tumblr on his phone.

"That might not be so bad..." You lie back and watch Dan's phone.

"Y/N, you want to finish it. You've got less than a year left of university anyway, just get through the next few months."

"How am I meant to pay for the flat? I can't pay rent all alone!"

"Get a new flatmate."

"Fuck no."

"Get a smaller flat."

"I don't want to be broke, Dan."

"Can't you move in with like, Alex or Kelvin or something?"


"By the way, the train is leaving soon." Dan turns off his phone and stands up.

"Fuck it is." You jump up, realising the time, and grab your suitcase.

Dan and Phil agreed to come with you back to Manchester, probably because you'd have a breakdown as soon as you enter your flat.

"Phil! Come on!" Dan knocks on Phil's door.

"Woo! Time for a trip to be spent being a third wheel." Phil opens his door and puts on his shoes.

"Bitch if anything, I'm the third wheel." You laugh.


"Okay um someone go in before me..." You push Dan in front of you as you all stand outside the door of your flat.

"Wh-Nevermind." Dan takes the keys from you and unlocks the door.
He walks in, followed by you, followed by Phil.

"Oh god." You sigh as you look around your flat, which looks exactly the same as you left it.
The same black fabric couch is facing your shitty tv, the same empty cup of coffee left on the ground, the same occasional band, movie or to poster plastered on the clean, white walls.
"I'm tired." You yawn and walk down to your bedroom.

"Are you going to bed?" Dan asks, him and Phil standing at your doorway and you climb on top of the sheets on your bed.

"Just having a nap." You curl up in a foetus position and close your eyes.

"How do we know where things are?" Phil asks.

"Ally's bedroom is across the hall, you can stay there Phil, the bathroom is just beside her bedroom. Kitchen is like the only other room in the flat." You tell them, feeling tear drops preparing to fall down as you try not to think about the death of the person who used to sleep across the hall from you.

"Y/N, are you okay?" Dan sits beside you on the bed.

"Y-Yeah." Your voice cracks. "I'm perfectly fine."

"No you're not." Dan places his hand on your arm.

"Sure I am." You lie.

"Y/N, I'm not stupid." Dan rubs your arm gently. "What's wrong?"

"Death. Ally's fucking dead."

"I know. I was at the funeral." Dan lies down and rests his head on yours.

You sigh and snuggle up closer to him.

"Look, I know it's hard. It know it's fucking devastating. I know she was your best friend and she's just gone."

Don't Leave (danisnotonfire x reader)Where stories live. Discover now