Chapter 34

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"So Y/N, have you finished writing your five songs?" Ally asks as you both walk back from Starbucks.

"No, why?" You ask as you sip the remainders of your drink.

"Because I asked you if you could get them done by the end of this year."


"Because I uh... I set up a meeting with some people..."

"What people?"

"Record people."

"Oh dear. They're one hundred percent gonna laugh at me and be like 'hah fuck off you sound like Oliver Twist on crack!'"

"No they won't. You're pretty fantastic at singing. Have you seen how many copies of your single have been sold?"

You sigh "I guess we've established that you're my 'manager' then?"

"Yes." Ally nods her head. "You're the one who has no idea where her life is going, and I'm the one showing you where it is. We both know that deep down inside you, you really do want to do this."


Ally grabs your arm and stops you.

"Close your eyes." You do as she tells you.
"Look deep into your soul..." She speaks in a fairytale narrator voice. "This is what you truly want. Admit it."

"Okay okay... Maybe.." You laugh as you begin to walk again then stop and look around you.
"Wait. Where are we?"

"Fuck. We're lost." You both look around the seemingly empty street and wonder how you even got there as there seems to be no exit.

Ally takes out here phone and groans. "Out of charge."

You take out your phone. "Yus! Time to phone dad- I mean Dan!"

Ally looks at you and laughs as you find Dan's contact on your phone.

"Hey!" You say as soon as Dan picks up the phone.

"Hi. You're on speaker by the way." Dan informs you.

"So are you. Anyway, what are you currently doing?"

"Phil and I are in the middle of filming a gaming video, why?"

"Oh you made up! So uh... Ally and I are kind of lost... We literally have no idea where we are."

"Fuck okay... What does it look like?"

"Uh there's buildings and they're all around us, hella tall. I don't even know how we got here, I can't see any entrance nor exit..."

You hear Dan and Phil mumble to each other for a few seconds before Dan speaks again.

"Okay, do you remember the park where we-... Were at... A few days ago..?"


"It's not that far from there. Are you sure you don't see any exit?"

You look around and notice that Ally has gone off on a wander looking for an exit.

"Over here!" She shouts from the other side of the street.

"I think Ally might've found one..." You walk over to Ally, who's holding open the door to a hotel. "Uh Ally?"

"This way." She leads you down the hall of the hotel reception where there's an exit that leads you onto a street that's slightly familiar.

Don't Leave (danisnotonfire x reader)Where stories live. Discover now