Chapter 54

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Quick thing:
I'm not going to describe what happened at Alex's house as self harm and eating disorders are both really triggering subjects and I myself, being someone who suffers from bulimia, do not have the heart to describe this with my current mental state. I hope y'all are okay with that, but let's just say that bullshit went down and now Alex is in hospital.

You, Kelvin and Alex's roommate, Jess, sit together in the waiting area outside of Alex's hospital room in silence.
You'd guess that all three of you are going over what just happened in your heads. Trying to convince yourselves that it wasn't true.

You get startled out of your thoughts when your phone rings.

Kelvin and Jess both look at you as you answer it.


"Y/N it's been three hours, where are you? Phil and I are worried as fuck. Are you okay?" You hear Dan's voice.

"I'm okay..."

"Where are you?"

"I'm at the hospital."

"Uh... Why?"

"It's uh... Can I tell them?" You whisper to Kelvin and Jess.

"Uh... Yeah... I guess so..." Jess says.

"Alex is in the emergency room." You say back to the phone.

"What?" You hear Phil in the background, who takes over the call. "Why? What happened? Is she okay?"

"You three can go in and see her now." The nurse smiles at you as she walks past.

"I've got to go." You say to Phil.

"No wait! What happened to Alex?!"

"I'm leaving."

"Y/N I swear-"

You hang up the phone and follow Kelvin and Jess into Alex's hospital room.

You see Alex in a bed.
There are bandages on her arms and she's hooked up to some machine.

You all stand beside the bed and stare at her.

Her skin is pale and lifeless.

After a few minutes of silence, you, Kelvin and Jess jump when Alex speaks.

"Are you guys going to say anything or are you just going to stare at me?"

"Oh uh... How are you?" You ask awkwardly.

"I'm fucking dandy. What do you think?" Alex is somehow able to smile.

That's always been something about her that confuses you.
Even in the worst times like these, she can still somehow smile, making everyone around her smile.

You, Kelvin and Jess sit down on three chairs beside the bed.


"Don't make this more awkward than it has to be." Alex says. "Let's just skip the obvious subject at hand and talk about happy things, like puppies."

Don't Leave (danisnotonfire x reader)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя