Chapter 22

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You swipe open your phone to turn your alarm off and crawl out of bed.

"Y/N! Get over here!" Ally calls from her room.

You rush over and stand beside Ally, who's looking out her window at the house next to your building.

"What happened?" You ask, looking at the scene.

There's police tape all around the house. Three police cars and an ambulance are parked on the street beside the house. A woman is crouched down on the driveway with her face resting on her palms as police officers and detectives talk to the other household members.

"I don't know." Ally says.

"Hm. Judging by the gloves on the police officers hands, the ambulance, the woman crying, the amount of police officers and detectives and the fact that that officer is putting a bloody knife in a clear bag marked 'evidence', I'm guessing somebody might have been murdered." You explain, investigating the scene.

"Woah. Fucking detective Y/N Y/L/N over here."

"Eh, it was pretty obvious."

"True. If it was a murder, do you think they'll want to talk to us?"

"Probably, but we might be out when they knock-"

Just then, there's a knock on the door.

"Or maybe we won't." Ally walks into the lounge and opens the door, you following close behind her.

"Hello, ma'am...s." A male police officer stands in the doorway.

"Hi." Ally smiles.

"Hello." You peer over her shoulder and wave at him.

"I was wondering if you heard any suspicious activity last night coming from the house next door; y'know, any shouts or screams or bangs or anything?" The officer asks.

"I didn't, did you Y/N?" Ally turns to you.

"Nope. But I was in a pretty deep sleep..." You say.

"Oh okay, it's just that there was a crime committed in the house next door." The officer explains. "I'm guessing the two of you are university students?"

You and Ally both nod.

"Well, the university is closed today due to multiple students and teachers being suspected. Should be open tomorrow though."

"What happened?" Ally asks.

"Oh, uh, a man was murdered last night..."


"Yeah. There doesn't seem like you guys should have anything to worry about, but just be careful."

"Okay. Thanks for telling us." You smile.

"No problem. Sorry for bothering you, have a nice day." The officer smiles and turns to leave, Ally closing the door behind him.

"Well, that's not very good." You sigh.

"Hope it's just a one time murder." Ally looks at the ground for a second before yawning. "Welp, I'm going back to sleep."
She walks down the hall into her room.

You sit on the couch for a second trying to think of something to do.
You're too wide awake now to go back to sleep.
You've finished all your projects and studied more than ever already.
All your friends will probably be asleep or at work or actually be having a normal social life with people you don't like.
Well, apart from one person.

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