Chapter 90

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"Dan. Dan. Dan." You put on an annoying voice and prod at Dan's nose, probably waking him up. "Dan. Dan. Wake up. Wake up."

"Fuck off." Dan pushes your hand away and rolls over. You pause for a minute, cross your arms, then poke his back.

"Dan. Dan. Dan. Dan. Dan. Dan. Dan. Dan."
"Okay what the hell do you want?" Dan looks over at you.
"We didn't come to New York to sleep all day."
"But I want to sleep."
"You reek of chlorine go have a shower."
"You go have a shower!"
"I already did?"
"Who are you? Last time I checked my girlfriend was still a lazy shit."
"Last time I checked my boyfriend wasn't an ass!"
"I'm not an ass!" Dan sits up and opens his eyes.

"Are too! You meanie!" You cross your arms and pout.

"I'm sorry. What time is it?" Dan asks.

"Twelve thirty."

"Oh shit I really should get up!" Dan throws the covers off himself and jumps out of bed.

"I told you!"

"And I do stink of chlorine. I should have a shower."

"Who was right? I was right motherfucker!"

"Since when did you get up earlier than me?"

"I don't know but I love it. I should start setting an alarm again..."

"If I start hearing your fucking shrek alarm clock playing every morning I'm going to kick you out." Dan laughs and kisses you before grabbing a towel and going into the bathroom to shower.

"So what do you want to do today?" You lay down on the bed and pull out your phone as you hear Dan turn on the shower.

"I don't know. I want food before anything else." Dan tells you.

"We can find food! But I want to do some tourist crap as well!"

"What touristy things do you want to do then?"

"Can we go shopping? I want to visit the croc store! Oh! And Central Park! Times Square is meant to be good as well. What's the statue woman called again?"

"The Statue of Liberty. How on earth could you forget that?"

"How on earth could you... uh... Insult!"

"I can't believe you'd just insult me like that!"

"What else is there to do in New York?"

"Too much stuff to do in two days."

"Well we got to do some stuff! We missed half our day!"

"Obviously. But we need to be back in time to go see the show."

"I should've extended the trip. Make it a week not a weekend!"

"An entire week in this hotel would be expensive as fuck."

"I know. So what do you want to do?"

"Well I don't want to go to anywhere with tons of people."

"It's New York. Everywhere has tons of people."

"Ugh. True. Well we can go to Times Square later tonight, so we don't have to do that. I don't feel like doing a lot. Can't we just go get food and shop or something?"

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