Chapter 6

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You wake up in a pile of scrunched up papers.
For a minute, you panic, not remembering any of your surroundings.
You soon remember, you're in Dan's flat.

Last thing you remember doing before falling asleep is finding it impossible to write a song.
You yawn, stretch out your arms and lazily walk into the kitchen where Dan and Phil are making pancakes.

"Morning, Y/N." Phil smiles.

"Oh, morning cupcake." Dan turns to look at you then continues flipping the pancakes. "Nice bed head by the way."

You quietly panic and start brushing your hands through your messy H/C hair.

"It looks fine, don't worry about it." Dan laughs slightly.

"Anyway, I've decided to give you a tour of London today." Dan places a plate of pancakes in front of you and sits across from you to eat his.

"Okay, but we can't be back too late. I need to work on a song for school." You explain.

"Ooh, what's it about?" Phil asks as he makes his pancakes.

"I don't know yet." You sigh.

"Creative block?" Dan asks.


"Maybe you just need some relaxing time to help get your creativity flowing."

"Or maybe I just need to work harder..."

"Don't even start with that crap, Y/N."

You roll your eyes, letting out a small sigh/laugh.


You get changed into a mcr/plain black top and a tartan/black skirt.
You pull on a leather jacket and shove on some shoes.

"Dan, honestly, you take more time to get ready then me!" You laugh as Dan straightens out his hobbit hair.

"Hey! All this takes time to perfect!" Dan says finally putting away his straightener.

"Have you perfected it yet?" You giggle, using air quotes around the word 'perfected'.

"Yup. I look extra good today!" Dan says, posing dramatically.

"Dan. You look the same as always, just less pixelated."

"You know I look great."

You roll your eyes jokingly, earning a playful smack in the arm from Dan.

"Come on. There's so much to do!" Dan grabs your hand and rushes you out the flat, grabbing his coat on the way out.

"So, what's first on the agenda, Mr Howell?" You smile as Dan walks you down the street.

"Well..." He looks down. That's when you both notice, Dan's still holding your hand. He quickly removes his hand from yours, laughing awkwardly.
"Let's go to Starbucks first." He says, breaking the awkward silence.


You and Dan order your drinks and sit down.

Don't Leave (danisnotonfire x reader)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя